Listen, I know that Spyders are different to some and are scary because they are different, but this is the second time I have been attacked on mine. Don't get me wrong, I'm a pretty good sized fellow and I have been in a scrap or two and come out on both the losing and the winning end but while I'm riding it is just purely ridiculous. It was touch and go for a minute but once I got stopped (on a hill and naturally due to the pain I couldn't get the parking brake set the first time) the tide turned in my favor. I got a picture of this jerk after I was finished with him. You tell me. I don' think he'll be messing with a Spyder Ryder again anytime soon.

To his credit, he did eat me alive until I got my shirt off. Long sleeves with button cuffs, HOW DID HE FLY UP MY SLEEVE? This wasn't a loose cuff lol Once I got out of my shirt and shook it I saw this jerk trying to fly away. Well by that time I had high blood so I chased him all around the road and into the ditch and back onto the road. Finally knocked him down with my shirt and finished him off with a size 13 to the head. I can only imagine what a passerby might have thought to see a Spyder parked, running, and it's Ryder still in helmet running around swinging his shirt wildly in the air (all while yelling into the com system much to my wife's dismay, she did say that I cussed this creature more than I have anything else ever.)

The first time I encountered a stinging flying death monsters was on my 3rd time out on the Spyder and got a yellow jacket between my collar and my neck. THAT swelling went down after about 3 days. Today my arm has a constant dull ache but I'll live. Anyways, be careful out there.