I got a elka stage 2 in the rear and it was rock hard so I started minimizing preload till it’s all the way to minimum but it’s too hard.
Consensus is that you should get 30% rider sag from fully extended but I can only get 15%.
With rear wheel off the ground, shock fully extended, I measured 13.5 inches from centered of rear wheel to a fixed point then 11.4 inches to the same fixed point with me sitting on the spyder for only 15%.
Could it be that spring itself is too hard? Or just not enough travel?
Damping was at the point where there was like a 1 1/2 seconds pause before shock started to extend when push down on rear but now it’s dialed back that it almost starts to extend right away.
I ordered it directly from elka with my weight, mostly solo ride and sport tour setting(I originally set this as sport tuning but changed to sport tour)