Ok, folks here it is, our much anticipated ride schedule!

2020 Caswell Riders Schedule

March: 21
April: 18
May: 9
23-25 (overnighter)
June: 27
July: 4
15-18 Spyder Demo Rides @ Caswell Cycle
25 Ride/Parade/Picnic
August: 15 Duluth/Fitgers?
September: 5-7 (overnighter)
October: 10 Breakfast Ride and Pot Luck Lupper

As you can see we have lots of blank destinations….those blanks will be filled as soon as a few decisions are made. These dates are not set in stone but to best of our knowledge at this time will work out just fine. If by chance we need to change a ride date we will do our best to notify everyone as soon as possible. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.