(Re-posted in a font that us old farts can actually read.)

I am a 10 year Spyder lover and owner.

I brought my spyder to route 3A Motors in Chelmsford Massachusetts to have it repaired. There was a clicking sound coming from the brakes every time I used them, and a squealing sound that sounded to me like a belt adjustment. Two days later I get a call telling me that the spyder needed a belt adjustment and that the breaks are working perfectly. I picked up the spyder, got on the road, and the clicking remained along with the belt squeal coming back intermittently. A month later limp mode came on, so I took it back, asked them to fix the limp mode, and asked what the price was to replace the battery. The service coordinator Keith told me it would be $130 to replace the it, so I went ahead with it. Before leaving I spoke with the sales manager that sold me my second spyder, and sold my friend his first spyder per my recommendation (which I now regret doing). We discussed how much I should sell the spyder for because I had a customer lined up for it in the spring and that my wife wanted a newer model. I wanted his opinion on the clicking brakes because they didn’t sound or feel right. He immediately starts to tell me how he wouldn’t know and I should take it up with the shop. I told him: I did, but they said nothing was wrong. With your experience being around and selling motorcycles, what is your professional opinion? He listened to the sound and agreed something is not right, so he walked me in the garage and asked Keith to have the brakes checked again. I also asked to double check the belt adjustment that was just done because it was still squeaking at times. I left happy thinking that, finally, the spyder will be fixed. I called few days later to check on it, and Keith said: We are looking into it working with BRP on it, might need an electronic box that would cost around $650.00 plus installation, but not sure yet we’ll let you know. Few days later the spyder is ready, did not need an electronic box, they weren’t sure why the limp mode happened, BRP recommended to clean the contacts and that it finally worked.
Very excited to get the spyder back, the bill was $514.40. Keith was not there at that time. I paid Bob, looking at the receipt, the charge for the battery was $213.49 excluding sales tax. I asked Bob why the charge was more than I was quoted. He didn’t know, so we waited for Keith to come back. Keith said that he misquoted me on the battery because he ended up using another one. I asked: Why didn’t call me and let me know? He said he forgot. I said: That is not right. He said: Sorry, but I’ll give you ten percent on your next order. I replied with No, I deserve a refund of the money difference. He said he couldn’t do that. Looking at him I couldn’t believe this was happening, a ten year customer, I was disgusted, thinking to myself that I was never going back there and that I was going to find myself a new dealer and never to have to see these guys again. "Sorry sir we’ll give ten percent on your account". Very unhappy, I got on the spyder and the first thing I hear is the brakes clicking again. Very angry now, half way home I hear the belt squeaking again. Got off the spyder, the phone rings. It was the shop manager telling me that he heard what happened and that I was an important customer he didn’t want to lose my business and he wanted to hear my side of the story. So I told him, and that I am very unhappy of how I am being treated and that the spyder is going into storage because the weather is changing and this issue will linger till next season where for sure they won’t stand by it by then and that they’re never going to get business from me again. He said sorry what happened to you sir, but because you’re a good customer and I don’t want to lose your business I will send my guy to pickup your spyder and take care of it for you at no charge, would like that? I was stunt, you would really do that I said I never asked for anything to be done for no charge I am trying to get the bike fixed. He said sorry that this happened to you, and yes I’ll do that because like I told you, you are important to us and I would like to make it up to you. This guy is freakin awesome I was thinking to myself.
The spyder got picked up on November the 8th. I was feeling really good about it, I told all my buddies what happened and how awesome this Bob the manger is.
Couple of weeks go by, I didn’t hear anything, I said to myself don’t bother these guys, they are being good to you let them do their thing. Four weeks later still no call. I called Keith, he said we been working with BRP, they want us to change the brake pads and that they are on order (a spyder dealer don’t have brake pads in stock)they should be in by tomorrow I’ll call you then. How is it the pads are making the noise? He said: I don’t know, we’ll figure it out and take care of it. He never called, the following week I called Keith, he wasn’t there. I had awesome Bob the phone though, it took him a minute to remember me, which he did. That is understandable since they have over 70 motorcycles to be repaired he said. Telling me how sorry he was that I will get a call right back. And I did get a call back from Keith how sorry he was. 38 days after they picked it up, I got a call, the spyder is ready and will be delivered today. Asked what was done? The pads were replaced. What was it with the pads that were making the clicking? He wasn’t sure but he assured me that brakes are perfect. Delivery didn’t happen until the following day late afternoon after I had to call again. Awesome though, because I am getting the spyder and it’s all set, ready to be sold in the spring, the wife gets a new spyder, we get to live long happy life finally. The delivery man drops the spyder off, I was very thankful, he takes off, I start the spyder to put in the the garage, GUESS what’s the first thing I hear? Corerect, the brakes. I couldn’t believe it , I was beside myself. I called Keith again, asked him how he could assure me that the brakes were all fixed when they were not? He said: he doesn’t test all the bikes, he goes by what the tech tells him. And that he’ll get on the phone with BRP to see what they’d want to do next and that he will call me for sure tomorrow. Tomorrow came and went, he never called back. One week later I called him back, he said: BRP didn’t call him yet, he call me for sure tomorrow.
Nine days later, I called my “friend”
(As he makes it seems to be every time I see’s me) the sales manager.
Told him what’s going on, asked him what should my next step be, if I should speak to the owner? He said: the owner won’t speak to me, that I would have to work it out with the shop, and that he can’t help cause the shop is its own ENTITY, or call BRP. This is all he could tell me.
So I did , I called customer service, I got a man named Christian 715-848-4957. He is in Norway, he listened to my story and politely told me that they cannot make any dealer that represents and sell their products to do anything. That I should either try to WORK IT OUT with them, or that they are a bad dealer and to simply find a new dealer.
So my dear fellow Spyder lover, if you have a dealer that you are happy with, I am happy for you.
If you are new to being, or thinking of becoming, a Spyder lover, be aware who your dealer is because BRP will not have your back. The Spyder is designed in a way that is difficult to maintain yourself, even if you know your way around motorcycles. Even their dealers don’t. Especially RT 3A MOTORS Chelmsford MA where you will definitely get gauged. Even if the dealer has a great tech, he still has to connect to BRP to get the answers, once BRP doesn’t have an answer, you’re out of luck and money. Does anyone have an advice on how to proceed? If this isn’t resolved, my next purchase will unfortunately not be a Spyder.