View Full Version : A request to all folks who - ask questions

04-09-2019, 12:54 PM
I think it would be very Nice if the folks who ask questions, or request info ….. Thank those who offer answers …… We take the time to try and help and some answers require a lot of typing and time ……. You don't have to Agree with the answers , but it would be nice if you acknowledged you took the time to READ them ……. I'm NOT dissing anyone here - just asking for some courtesy …… PS I want to Thank all those who already do this …. Thank you ….. Mike :ohyea:

04-09-2019, 01:10 PM
Yes a follow up if said issue was appropriate & resolved.
1: WE like to know we helped:thumbup:
2:confirmation of he fix for others so they don't have to ask. :firstplace::yes: :coffee:. Understand some can not find same thread if it's not under "what's new" so FYI you can look under your profile ; your post or started threads, follow through with results :2thumbs: especially if there is additional info to the fix. :nopic::cheers: THANKS IN ADVANCE :yes:

04-09-2019, 02:14 PM
A simple click on the "like" or "thanks" button lets the person know you were there. And the box at the bottom of the thread shows who has looked at the thread. The information is there...but sometimes you have to look a bit.

04-09-2019, 02:21 PM
This site is, for one, a source of information and help for those with issues what ever they may be on whichever reverse trike they have. Much of the information is from those that solve the problem or have it fixed telling us how or what was done. It would be great, as Mike said, if anything we put out there for you worked and you are on your way you let us know. This is how we build up a ,lets call it a data base, of knowledge and can best help those needing it...That being said, some things don't always work and we need to know that as well....:thumbup:

04-09-2019, 02:27 PM
I'm loving this thread - thanks Mike. I'd like to add that too many omit to state what year and model Spyder they are requesting help for and leave out important specifics. That has responders having to play 20 Questions.

04-09-2019, 02:42 PM
I'm loving this thread - thanks Mike. I'd like to add that too many omit to state what year and model Spyder they are requesting help for and leave out important specifics. That has responders having to play 20 Questions.

I :agree: with all comments so far … you have added things I didn't type in my start to this thread …… and " RICZ " your comment was especially important. ……. Mike :ohyea:

04-09-2019, 08:26 PM
I'm loving this thread - thanks Mike. I'd like to add that too many omit to state what year and model Spyder they are requesting help for and leave out important specifics. That has responders having to play 20 Questions.

Another benefit of the garage features:firstplace:

04-09-2019, 08:53 PM
Thanks to all who have helped me and will ... I need a lot of help! This site has been awesome for information/advice, as I dip my toes into a new kind of ryde that is foreign to me. I'm enjoying getting to know something about Spyders that do not require RAID bug spray and appreciate all of you.