View Full Version : Software Update Poll- Please vote

08-16-2009, 08:18 AM
I'm trying to get an idea on how many SpyderLovers have had issues after the update and how many are happy after the update. Please vote on this post and I will send it to BRP when we have a good number of votes. Maybe they can tell me what you need to do if your Spyder is not happy with the update. :dontknow:

Please don't vote if you have not had the update. I like to get an honest report to send to BRP. Thanks

08-16-2009, 08:31 AM
Running better since the update.

08-16-2009, 08:32 AM
Happy with the steering, unhappy with the ECM, have no idea what the cluster update did.:dontknow:

08-16-2009, 08:34 AM
Running better steering wise but the part of mapping updates required modification in the Juice Box settings (thanks Evan from ESI).

08-16-2009, 08:35 AM
150 miles in, no noticeable difference. So, I'd say everything is fine :ohyea:

08-16-2009, 09:13 AM
in my case; clamping the vacumn hose to enrich the flow of fuel may well bandaid the rough running.. it by no means is a fix.. i hope BRP are expediting the issues so we can get back to worry free riding.

08-16-2009, 09:19 AM
Running ruff. Hesitation, Surging. Love the way you try to help us all out Thank's

08-16-2009, 10:41 AM
in my case; clamping the vacumn hose to enrich the flow of fuel may well bandaid the rough running.. it by no means is a fix.. i hope BRP are expediting the issues so we can get back to worry free riding.

Can someone confirm that this would actually increase gas flow? I just don't know enough about this setup to say.

Mine has the sputtering that many have complained about. Strange thing is that it doesn't do it all the time--- just here and there--:dontknow:

08-16-2009, 10:42 AM
Steering seems tighter, less play but the fuel mapping was way off. This may be in part to me not having the stock pipe on it. A little tweeking( a lot of tweeking) and my fuel mapping is right on. No hesitation at all. Plus I am running premium gas now.

Tom in NM
08-16-2009, 10:55 AM
Everything was good before the update. No problems. Better after the update.
I will put it this way; If I had paid $50 for the update and its results, I would feel like I got a real deal.


08-16-2009, 12:42 PM
Very Happy with the update. Bike was running good before but is running even better after.

Most noteably, much less popping when opening the throttle very slightly from decel. Used to pop quite a bit every time. Now it pops a lot less and sometimes I can't get it to pop at all (I wasn't even trying before the update).

Didn't notice any difference in the steering because I've been so focused in on the engine issues I'd heard about.

I had some steering glitch at start-up where I would turn slightly and the steering would jerk, like a dead spot or play in the steering. It would only do this one time until I shut it off and started it again. It did this quite frequenlty on the trip to CA.

Has not done it since the update.

So far I am very glad I got it done.

08-16-2009, 01:12 PM
So far so good,steers better :thumbup: richie

08-16-2009, 01:29 PM
I only had mine for three weeks prior to the recall, my spyder runs the same, no better, no worse.

08-16-2009, 02:15 PM
I had to vote "runs like crap, not happy". After the first 100 miles or so, the Spyder started to backfire and run extremely rough. My only mod that would affect this is the Two Bros. exhaust. Now even though it has been said that the battery disconnect/reconnect does not cure things, I tried it and afterward the Spyder ran MUCH better. Not as smooth as before the software upgrade, but definitely better than it had been.

I still notice no difference in the steering. Guess mine was good to begin with, as was the rest of the Spyder!

So bottom line is that it is not running quite as good as before the update, but it is not crappy.

08-16-2009, 02:18 PM
mine is smokin':gaah:dang thang caught fire soon as i left shop... I guess me plates/tag line was right BUN-1 :roflblack:.

Really starting to dislike BRP and the dear :spyder: but without customer service what r we to do....

08-16-2009, 02:32 PM
Before software update ran good only had problem with clutch staying engaged(SE5). Now missing, hesitation, surging, power loss, vibration and fuel smell right after parking(no fuel leak). Not happy

08-16-2009, 02:37 PM
I haven't noticed anything different. I put on about 800 miles after
the update and all seems good...well now it's leaking antifreeze so back
to the shop and no riding this week.

08-16-2009, 02:50 PM
All seems to be better, except the engine performance when at 5 bars and in first gear...runs like a spastic rabbit. That I am not happy about, but as long as it won't quit altogether, I will ride it like I always have.
This did not start until we bought gas at a station by the Wall Drugs, SD. (We had the update done in Worthington, MN). And, it doesn't do it everytime. Since we are back home, after I change oil and clean it up, I will see if it gets effected in the dry HOT desert. I am at a loss on this, but I will ride.
Another thought...we have an SE5 and since the upgrade, the transmission really slaps hard when downshifting automatically, especially after running continuously for about 100 miles or so. Was really smooth before.

08-16-2009, 03:16 PM

08-16-2009, 04:18 PM
Gee, running at about 40% not happy combining the last two categories. That is higher than I had imagined.

Thank you for doing this Lamont. I think we are a good cross sample of owners. If these %'s reflect ALL owners, that's a pretty significant percentage of people unhappy with the update.

08-16-2009, 04:37 PM
this poll... I must clarify one thing. The steering on the SM5 is fantantic now but the engine side of the issue is terrible between 3000 revs and 5000 revs. A spitting and a sputting. This one has the hindle may be running a little lean now. I'll know when I get back to FL whether or not disconnecting the battery works or not for a reset.

I SE5 has the stock muffler and steering and engine smoothness is much better. Couldn't ask for better.

08-16-2009, 04:39 PM
I'm really just wanting to know how it runs, not steers. :doorag:

08-16-2009, 04:40 PM
Had upgrade about 3 weeks ago,no change but it runs fine.

Capt John
08-16-2009, 07:29 PM
I installed a JB 4 days after the "fix" and I'm still trying to get it dialed in just right. I didn't put many miles on it after the fix and before the JB install, so I turned the JB off for awhile to see how it was running. I would say about the same as before the recall.

08-16-2009, 07:36 PM
Steering seems a bit better and the shifting is smoother. did around 150 miles today and it rode well. My gas mileage didn't go up though I don't think. HDX said I was getting 33 miles to the gallon - that doesn't seem too good.

bone crusher
08-16-2009, 07:45 PM
For all those out there with hindles or after-market pipes...disconnect your battery for a while and then plug back in and idle for 15 minutes...see if that changes anything for you...

08-16-2009, 07:54 PM
I'm noticing a slight hesitation and like a engine skip (cough) not all the time :ani29:

08-16-2009, 08:14 PM
My software update was completed two weeks ago. Haven't noticed any difference in how it runs or steers.

08-16-2009, 08:22 PM
OK, HDX said it is shifting better cuz of the Redline oil that is now in it, not because of the update.:shocked: I'm not a gear head. I just ryde it.

08-16-2009, 08:42 PM
Runs Great!:clap:

08-16-2009, 08:50 PM
Very consistent stuttering/hesitation in any gear at mid-range RPM, on an all-stock 2008 SE5. Symptoms were not there before the update.

Also not satisfied with a Texas BRP service rep's response of "use premium fuel", even if that does fix it (I don't know if it does, have not tried it).

08-16-2009, 09:03 PM
Wow. 42% unhappy... I'm surprised... thought maybe 10%.

They may want to consider breaking the three updates apart... steering mandatory, the rest optional.

psssst... haven't had mine done yet. I was thinking Microsoft releases... and appear to be correct. :shocked:

Star Cruiser
08-16-2009, 09:52 PM
Happy with the updates. All have made a marked improvement, but the most noticeable was the SE5 update for the shifting. Really tight and quick after the update was done.

Spydr in KS
08-16-2009, 10:02 PM
haven't had mine done yet. I was thinking Microsoft releases... and appear to be correct. :shocked:

hmmm....good plan. Think I'll wait a little too:popcorn:

Big Arm
08-16-2009, 10:22 PM
Well, I just voted. After riding it for most of the evening tonight, I was thinking this update may be straighting itself out. WRONG ! As soon as the temp hit the five bars, it started sputtering, hesitating, surging, and running like crap around the 3000 to 4500 rpm range.
Drove round trip to Omaha yesterday for the Spyder demo rides, and they hooked me up to the computer again, and told me everything checks ok. Had no problems, till I got home on the city streets and the temp got to the five bars, and thats when the problems showed up again. Same thing tonight.
Never had this problem before the update. (I do have the Hindle)
I also do not have a juice box......... do I need one to fix their fix ???...I THINK NOT !
(Steering is better)

08-16-2009, 10:50 PM
Have put on approx 300 miles since the update - no problems yet no gain or loss of performance. Are there any recommended changes to the JB after the update is installed?

Capt John
08-16-2009, 10:53 PM
Well, I just voted. After riding it for most of the evening tonight, I ways thinking this update may be straighting itself out. WRONG ! As soon as the temp hit the five bars, it started sputtering, hesitating, surging, and running like crap around the 3000 to 4500 rpm range.
Drove round trip to Omaha yesterday for the Spyder demo rides, and they hooked me up to the computer again, and told me everything checks ok. Had no problems, till I got home on the city streets and the temp got to the five bars, and thats when the problems showed up again. Same thing tonight.
Never had this problem before the update. (I do have the Hindle)
I also do not have a juice box......... do I need one to fix their fix ???...I THINK NOT !
(Steering is better)

I did not purchase JB to fix BRP's "fix". I have always had low speed sputtering and surging on my spyder in the 3800-4200 rpm range and was looking into improving performance in these areas before the recall. It just so happened that I purchased and installed the JB just a few days after my "fix" was done.
I wouldn't want anyone to think I would advocate the JB to correct some of issues some spyder lovers are experiencing after their "fix". On the other hand, since I already have the JB it has been beneficial to stopping or totally eliminating the issues I was having.
I know it must be frustrating to have the recall done and your spyder runs worse than when you took it in. I hope all of you that are having issues get these resolved quickly, so you can enjoy more ryding !

08-17-2009, 12:05 AM
After the 'fix' it started sputtering, hesitating, surging, and running really bad!

08-17-2009, 01:35 AM
Running great but update knocked out the instrument cluster and a new one had to be overnighted and installed.

08-17-2009, 04:22 AM
Just voted, only 96 votes - :hun: where is everyone??

08-17-2009, 04:34 AM
The steering seems to be about the same, maybe a little bit better but not much--- My gas mileage seems to have gone down a great deal, I have not check how many miles per gallon I'm getting but it does burn more gas, I have put about 400 miles on since the update.. Also, it does not run as smooth has it did with-out the update... There is hesitation between 3rd and 4th gear intermeitted but its still there and my spyder has never had that... It runs a little hotter and backfires a whole lot more since the update.. As for engine mods all I have is the Hindle Can-Am exhaust installed by the dealer.. Really not happy with the update cause of these factors,, I owe you the miles per gallon but its not going to be good I'm in the process of doing that now, just need to put a some miles on the spyder.
Thanks Lamonster

08-17-2009, 06:36 AM
Like others, I am surprised at how many are not happy with this update. I am very happy with mine.

I have a free flow air filter and a Yohimura exhaust with the JB. I think I was running a bit rich and after the update I seem to be right on. Almost completely eliminated the popping I had before. Was running great before, is running even better now.

Don't know about mileage. I was getting 34~36 on premium fuel before.

It would be good if there were more votes as the count is a little low for an accurate statistical reading. Here is how the responses seem to break out so far.

Good - 11 - 34%
Some Good, Some Bad - 8 - 25%
Bad - 5 - 16%
No Difference - 8 - 25%

I separated the "Good" and the "No Difference" responses but they could both be combined since neither have any negatives. Same with the "Some Good, Some Bad" and "Bad" responses.

If we break it out into just 2 categories it would look like this.

Satisfied - 19 - 59%
Dissatisfied - 13 - 41%

Hey! Look at it this way....Better odds than Las Vegas and look how many people keep going back there! (Just trying to be positive :D)

08-17-2009, 06:42 AM
Just voted, only 96 votes - :hun: where is everyone??
Some members here don't actually have Spyders, just considering them. Others of us have not had the recall update done.

08-17-2009, 06:53 AM
I have had the recall done but haven't had enough time to take a good test ryde and check it out. The ryde home from the dealership was short and uneventful.

08-17-2009, 07:22 AM
It surges quite a bit between 2500 and 3500 rpm , at all gears. When running 5000 + the surges seem to be very very weak and at time not noticeable at all.
I am not happy with the upgrade and the dealer doesn't know how to resolve the surgeing..
Does this mean I need to buy a 3rd party component to fix the software update that the Manufacture provided??
I would think not...

08-17-2009, 07:33 AM
I also am experiencing the surging problem at lower steady speeds......., but it levels out at higher RPM's...........(Interstate speeds)
Don't now and have never had any backfiring problem either before or after the upgrade.........
Steering is noticeably better (smoother) after the upgrade, and overall I'm pretty happy with it.
I expect BRP to come up with a fix for the surging problem, when there's enough noise made about it.............. Until then, I can deal with it.......

08-17-2009, 08:54 AM
I'm noticing a slight hesitation and like a engine skip (cough) not all the time :ani29:

I'm probably close to the same as roaddog. I voted that it seems to be running better because, for the most part, it is. Just slight hesitations occasionally and an occasional bit of a dead spot at certain times, almost like the throttle is closing. Never has stalled and I do get probably a few MPG better than I was getting. (I was hoping for the 7 to 10 MPG improvement that some have mentioned but no. :() It definitely runs better at cold start than it did before.

08-17-2009, 09:00 AM
To start with I have nearly 11,000 miles on my Spyder and have had it sense
11/07 without any major problems except the brake squeal and overheating
which disappeared when I remove the oversize air box. Sometimes you only
hear or read only the negative because jest like everything else nobody
comments when things are going good or positive and if I had the chance to
do it over again I would buy a Spyder again.

Now having said that lets get down to the reason why I am posting this.

I recently had the Steering recall done when I went to my dealer who had sold
me my Spyder originally and explained what I had read about some people
having problems with engine running lean after the download up date.
He had not heard of the problems and did not believe that they were related.

Well after 21/2 hours and three computers later the teck finally got it to
communicate to the BUDS software the download only took a few minutes and
after we put everything back together (had valves checked) took it for a test run
and guess what, it started back firing when you let off the throttle almost like
machine gun fire.I could not tell any difference in the steering nor did the Teck
who also test drove it before and after the download but could tell a major
difference in the performance of the engine.

I do not have the stock muffler I have Duals and my O2 sencer have been replaced
with evoluzione O2 modifier also I have done the evoluzione race airflow system
and fuel pressure modifier. So I was a little surprised when this happened

the Teck call some one with BRP Teck support and tried to find a fix to the problem
they calmed that is was not related to the download to the steering. We both knew
that was Bull so we disconnected the battery for 5 minutes and took it out again for
a test run and the problem disappeared he hooked the BUDS software back to
the Spyder and had a fault code with the fuel system he said the same fault code
that showed up before he downloaded the steering update.

This past weekend the wife and I were riding behind ncspyderwomen Spyder
who has the exact same backfiring problem after she had the steering update
done also when she stopped in traffic it overheated and went into limp mode.
She has not had any problems until the download and she has 14,000 mile
on hers.She does not have the stock muffler.

If I could do it over I would not have had the update done because it updated
more than jest the steering problem and no one knew if you did not have the
stock muffler is could mess up the O2 fuel mixture enough so the after market
mufflers were causing the engine to run lean.

Its a little like a Trojan horse their was more to it than what was on the out
side it should have come with a warning to owners with after market Exhaust
systems beware of problems.


08-17-2009, 09:02 AM
Some members here don't actually have Spyders, just considering them. Others of us have not had the recall update done.

Adding to what Scotty said, many others only read and don't reply or only read certain posts. To get close to 100% participation, lamonster would have to make this poll pop up on everyone opening up a SpyderLovers page and not allow them to go any farther until they answered. Then somehow track that they did participate so it wouldn't hold them up again and also prevent them from "stuffing the box" with multiple answers. It's just an informal poll so I doubt he would take the time to take it to this extreme.

08-17-2009, 11:28 AM
After seeing a few posts on mods people had before the update, I forgot to mention that we have NO mechanical or electrical mods. The Spyder was running flawlessly until the update. Would I get the update, knowing what I know now??? NEVER!

Just Doo Me
08-17-2009, 11:29 AM
Friday I picked mine up after the recall update and 10000km service [valves checked] and drove 60 miles home without a noticeable difference.Sunday went for a 300 miler and noticed a improvement in the steering effort on the long sweeping curves also seemed to be better on fuel.About 200 miles in and slowing down passing through a small town I started to get the studder and stumble so many have commented about,very hot humid day.I have the Hindle and freer flow filter.Like many it seems fine at higher speeds and rpm.I thought maybe it was just gas related problem with ethanol so many in the U.S. are being introduced to at improper ratio's,but up here we have had it for a number of years with no problems in running it in my sleds.BRP i'm sure will be looking at another fuel mapping update like they have in my Ski-doo at least 4 times.I will be re-installing my Juicebox that I had removed for the update and dial it in to address the lean spots.

08-17-2009, 11:55 AM
I am not so convinced that this was a fuel mapping issue. If the update electronically affected either the purge valve (solenoid) or the idle valve (solenoid), rough running could easily occur under the newly programmed conditions. Don't know why they would change the programming for these coming on and off, but it's possible. It especially makes sense for Spyders that run poorly only when the temp hits five bars and the fan comes on. I also don't know why folks are seeing delayed reactions and intermittent problems, and some folks have the problem and some do not. Also, why some stock bikes, and others with varying mods to the intake, exhaust, or fuel management systems, but no apparent rhyme or reason to which do and which don't? There's more to this issue than meets the eye, that's for sure. I think we will all have to stay tuned for an answer.

08-17-2009, 12:06 PM
For all those out there with hindles or after-market pipes...disconnect your battery for a while and then plug back in and idle for 15 minutes...see if that changes anything for you...

I think Lamonster debunked this in another thread...right?

08-17-2009, 12:34 PM
I just sent the following email to spydertechsupport@brp.com


I had the BRP steering recall performed on Aug 7 at an authorized dealership and ever since, my Spyder Roadster has a "hesitation" in the mid-RPM range. It is very consistent and noticible, as though its being starved for fuel or spark.

The bike is an all-stock 2008 SE5 with 3500 miles on it. I would appreciate your prompt recommedation for a fix, as I have stopped riding the bike it this time. Should I return to my dealer to have the old software re-installed?

Thank you.
[name, phone, location, VIN]

08-17-2009, 12:41 PM
Steering is much better. It ran pretty rough for the first couple of rides after the update and even stalled on me once, but it's running just fine at this point. I'd say it was back to normal after about 100-150 miles or so. I have the ESI filter and a Hindle.

08-17-2009, 12:52 PM
Better gas mileage from my stock engine. All other running issues - no noticeable change, everything is fine.

08-17-2009, 01:02 PM
So everyone is commenting on that their bikes are stuttering or backfiring - some don't really think it's that bad, some are very unhappy. Now when I put the two bros exhaust on mine last summer and rode it for the first time it was our company motorcycle ride on a very wet, hot & humid day - sounded like continuous firecrackers. We got the 02 sensor from Ken and it improved. It even ran awsome on dry cooler days. So I got the update and rode it about 150 miles yesterday and it still backfires but I attributed it to finally summer being here - it was very humid and in the high 90's. The steering was better and it shifted better (HDX says shifting is due to Redline oil since I have a SM5).

So it seems to me this update is causing all the Spyders to run lean. My question is WHY would they include this in an update an not tell us about it and also WHY would they want them to run leaner anyway???:hun:

08-17-2009, 01:04 PM
its Monday... just got off the phone with the dealer.. BRP's recommendation today... replace the evap cannister... i reminded them that they had already done this ...

they said they would call me back
maybe we need to start flooding the tech email box with email:gaah:
i'd like my Spyder back the way it was

08-17-2009, 01:46 PM
Pardon my simple mind but couldn't one UNdo the update? I mean you delete and such on computers everyday.
I know nothing about all the things that go on in the workings so don't ya'll all bite my head off with sarcasm please.

08-17-2009, 02:22 PM
I just talked to my dealer and told him my problem with the backfiring so he called BRP.He called me back and said they are aware of the problem
and that they did lean out the fuel mapping to obtain better gas milelage.
he said they were in a meeting about the "fix right now.

08-17-2009, 02:26 PM
I just talked to my dealer and told him my problem with the backfiring so he called BRP.He called me back and said they are aware of the problem
and that they did lean out the fuel mapping to obtain better gas milelage.
he said they were in a meeting about the "fix right now.

A "fix" would be to give us back the old mapping.

08-17-2009, 02:34 PM
If the problem is truly a leaner mapping why would those of us that have the o2 modifier experience the problem? I thought the modifier bypassed the mapping of the idle circuit.

08-17-2009, 02:49 PM
If the problem is truly a leaner mapping why would those of us that have the o2 modifier experience the problem? I thought the modifier bypassed the mapping of the idle circuit.

The problem is not leaner mapping. The problem is most likely the purge valve is staying open too long or is getting stuck. If you pinch off the hose going to the purge valve that will tell you if that's it.

08-17-2009, 02:56 PM
Pardon my simple mind but couldn't one UNdo the update? I mean you delete and such on computers everyday.
I know nothing about all the things that go on in the workings so don't ya'll all bite my head off with sarcasm please.
Since this was a recall done in agreement with NHTSA, done to address a possible safety issue, I'm sure BRP's lawyers and the government watchdogs would not be willing to remove it after it was installed. BRP's problem was doing a variety of updates in one package. Can't separate the safety stuff from the miscellaneous "improvements".

08-17-2009, 03:01 PM
Can't separate the safety stuff from the miscellaneous "improvements".

I just found out you can but it's not recommended. I should have some more information tomorrow.

08-17-2009, 03:03 PM
Nice vote/poll format Lamont. Does it keep people from voting more than once?

Guess I could just try it and see. But that would be cheating if it counted my 2nd vote.

08-17-2009, 03:15 PM
My spyder was running good anyway, however since the upgrade it runs hotter, and extra bar and that concerns me.

08-17-2009, 03:17 PM
Might want to make some phone calls if you haven't already.

July 21, 2009, Spyder announcements UPDATE ON SPYDER DPS RECALL

Dear SpyderRyder Subscriber,
We would like to inform you of the official launch of the safety campaign related to the Dynamic Power Steering (DPS) in effect for all 2008 and 2009 Can-AmTM SpyderTM GS roadsters.
We wish to invite you to call an authorized BRP Can-Am Spyder Roadster dealer and make an appointment to have your vehicle repaired. We will re-program the dynamic power steering systems to improve the smoothness of operation. The dealer will perform this work at no charge to you.
Our dedicated toll free line, 1-866-767-0707, is still in service if you have questions regarding this matter. This line is open between 8 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Thursday, and from 8 to 9.30 AM and 10.30 AM to 5.30 PM on Friday, Eastern Standard Time; you will be able to speak to a BRP Representative if you wish to stay on the line after hearing the recorded information.
Thank you for your interest and support for the Can-Am Spyder roadster.

08-17-2009, 03:22 PM
The poll is a great idea, but not knowing specifics on each spyder as far as mods prior won't give it an completely accurate sampling, but 42% of us are running worse so it appears its not just a couple spyders here and there.

Couple things-

1) The remap that has leaned out the steering has NOTHING to do with the recall ,it was just released in conjunction with the steering recall.. Think of it as a bundle. I will let Lamont update you on the ability to undue this when as we are most likely getting the same info and I do not want to hijack his post. The word I have is that undoing may be available at some point and / or they will release a subsequent patch.

2) As for the 02 modifier , there are several opinions on this right now-, but Fact are facts , we know the new mapping leaned us out, really affecting spyders that were already lean that have more air flow via exhaust or intake mods.. Those of you with juice boxes for the most part have been able to get rich enough to be fine. I am NOT speaking for Ken , but Kens 02 sensor is a static piece (ie it tricks the computer into thinking the exhaust flow is lean and in turn the ecm richens up the mixture to compensate) His piece was designed based on the original fuel map and when I say it is static, it does not have the ability to compensate for changes to the fuel map. So in laymans terms if it were richening up the fuel map by say 15% , it STILL does its job , it richens it up 15%. BUT its richening it up from a much leaner starting point and in theory will not deliver as much fuel as before because the starting point is leaner.

08-17-2009, 03:58 PM
Lamont... you wrote"If you pinch off the hose going to the purge valve that will tell you if that's it."

the purge valve is found on the hose from the engine to the evap cannister ... right ?

if this is the case... my hose was clamped by the dealer upon advice from BRP

is changing the purge valve the fix ?
dealer and BRP still have no answers for me today.. still doing a lot of head scratching .. why have they not picked up on this ?

has anyone else clamped this hose or had it clamped by the dealer ?

the Spyder is not hesitating any more.. although the engine still seems stressed thru the rpm range

08-17-2009, 04:36 PM
Lamont... you wrote"If you pinch off the hose going to the purge valve that will tell you if that's it."

the purge valve is found on the hose from the engine to the evap cannister ... right ?

if this is the case... my hose was clamped by the dealer upon advice from BRP

is changing the purge valve the fix ?
dealer and BRP still have no answers for me today.. still doing a lot of head scratching .. why have they not picked up on this ?

has anyone else clamped this hose or had it clamped by the dealer ?

the Spyder is not hesitating any more.. although the engine still seems stressed thru the rpm range

Changing the purge valve should fix the problem. A non BRP recommended fix would be to remove the evap can and plug off the purge valve. BRP will not and can not tell you to do that but that's what I did.

08-17-2009, 04:57 PM
Might want to make some phone calls if you haven't already.

I totally agree with Lamonster,

Anybody who has this problem after DPS download needs to contact your dealer and call the number
1-866-767-0707 and explained to them the problem.

Just got off the phone with a BRP representative and he explained to me this is the first he heard of it.

The more people that complain about this the sooner they can put together and download a patch that the dealer
can download to fix this problem.


08-17-2009, 05:05 PM
I just got off the phone with BRP. the guy I talked with seemed to not know what I was talking about, and said they had no complaints on the updated. To make a long story short all I got was the run-around, when I told him about all the bad running posts on Spyderlovers, Said again he had heard of no complaints, and they wouldn't pay any attention to this anyway. Needless to say I lost my cool. I told him that I had spent my hard earned money on a machine that was barely driveable, and wanted to know what he could do for me. He seemed to care less. All he could suggest was to take it back to dealer. My question does BRP even know what is going on. I got the impression if it was reported by a dealer, it wasn't reported. I am now a very very UNHAPPY Spyder owner. and I was thinking about purchasing another.


08-17-2009, 05:12 PM
My :spyder2: steers a whole lot better!

08-17-2009, 05:43 PM
It is a shame this isn't going more smoothly.

Peacing together what seems to be coming from BRP I'd say widowmaker2011 makes a lot of sense. At least in regards to Ken's static O2 sensor as opposed the the JB, which is adjustable.

Who would have guessed BRP would be changing the fuel map?

I does not sound like BRP has leaned out the entire map. Sounds like the main area of change is in the cruise function. That is where you're going to get a mileage improvment.

If Lamont's info about the purge valve staying open too long or sticking open is correct, that would definitely play havoc with the entire system and give a very lean mix. At least that is an easy possiblity to confirm or eliminate by blocking or pinching off the purge hose.

I rode again today. I've got 120+ on the update and I am sure my Spyder is running better and steering better than before the update. I wish everyone could say the same.

Don in E Texas
08-17-2009, 05:47 PM
I've already mentioned that my bike is really horrible to ride now after the "fix". (I did the high dollar fuel route - 3 tanks full - no difference) I rode to the dealer this morning to let him know about it -- I've put about 500 miles after the 'fix' - bike has no mod's (08 SE5). Dealer said to ride their demo bike and see how it performs. I had ridden it before and it is one, sweet, machine!!! After just a few blocks I could tell something has really trashed this machine!! A 09 SE5 with Hindle exhaust. Dealer agreed with me - he was not at all happy with the 'fix'.

I'm sure there will be a solution to the problem and we'll all be out there on the highway smiling again.


08-17-2009, 05:53 PM
Like the steering, but runs rough now and gas mileage worse. I'm a worried owner of a 08 and seems like we have to always put money into the unit to make it better or to fix an issue. I love the bike and I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but I'm worried about my pocket book. If the 2010 model is better and these issues corrected, I'd trade mine in for a newer model. Hope everyone don't think I'm bit----g, I ride a lot and enjoy every minute on it, but when you have to worry something small might break you down and you need to carry a fire extinguisher with you, I guess I'm a worry wart. Thanks you for all the great help you give us.

08-17-2009, 05:55 PM
For what it's worth, I just sent this letter to BRP:

Just want to add my regrets and disappointment about the steering update. You guys really choked us on that one. My steering is a lot improved, but the engine running like a spastic rabbit at low RPMs in first gear is not what I brought it in for. I am a very disappointed owner, as are many others. My Spyder was almost a flawless performer until now. Apparently, you guys read a few posts about people wanting better gas mileage and threw that in for a bonus without doing enough testing in the field. Anyone spending that much money on a great machine, then gripes about the gas mileage, should never have bought a Spyder. If getting 3-4 more MPG is that important, sell it.
We completed a 13,624 mile journey last Wednesday. I had the update done in Worthington, MN. Ran really well until about 500 miles later. Then, we call you guys and are told you never heard about the problem, and don't pay attention to SpyderLovers.com posts! Frankly, someone needs to start heeding legitimate complaints. I, as many other owners, have over 300,000 miles on various motorcycles, and I am not a complainer. But, if something is wrong, then I would like to have it corrected. I don't appreciate BRP doing something to my Spyder that was not requested, which is what you did.
Dudley J. Stelly

08-17-2009, 06:12 PM
I am wondering if the owners that have seen good running and better gas mileage are the ones that had the really poor mileage before. There is a lot of variation reported here on SpyderLovers, with many folks claiming 33-35 mpg or more, while our Spyder has averaged less than 30 over a year and a half. If a Spyder was running a bit rich previously, the leaner mapping could indeed help, but if it was already on the money, the new mapping could put it into a dismal area. This is worrisome, because detonation, and burned pistons and valves could follow in time. This all could be resolved if BRP would loosen up on the mapping, and let the dealers tweak it a bit and alter the timing. They could still have limits on it, and wouldn't have to give away any state secrets, since anything done through B.U.D.S. has been pretty much inpenetrable thus far. Just let the dealers do a bit of fine tuning. Another goofy idea on my part, but one can dream, can't one?

I do agree with Dudley, BTW, if you have to ask about the mileage, you can't afford it, so to speak.

08-17-2009, 06:14 PM
i just sent the following to BRP... btw .. i'll be calling them as well

"I had the BRP steering recall performed on Aug 3. at St Marie Sport, St Hubert QC.

Directly following, my Spyder Roadster had a "hesitation" in the mid-RPM range. It was very consistent and noticeable, as though it is being starved for fuel or spark.

On 14 August; the dealer, in consultation with the BRP Tech line changed the spark plugs, and the evap canister. The problem still persisted.
Following another call to the Tech Line, the vacuum line from engine to evap canister was clamped ; the hesitation had stopped. I was asked to ride the Spyder and call in on Monday(the 18th)

Today, 18 August, after speaking with the dealer, BRP again recommended to change the evap canister, I reminded them that this had already been done... we have not heard further from St Marie Sport or BRP.

Clamping the vacuum hose may well be a band-aid for the rough running.. it by no means is a fix

I would appreciate your prompt recommendation so St Marie may fix my Spyder satisfactorily.

I will call tomorrow to confirm receipt of this email and to discuss the issue"

lets keep those emails flowing

08-17-2009, 06:19 PM
For what it's worth, I just sent this letter to BRP:

Just want to add my regrets and disappointment about the steering update. You guys really choked us on that one. My steering is a lot improved, but the engine running like a spastic rabbit at low RPMs in first gear is not what I brought it in for. I am a very disappointed owner, as are many others. My Spyder was almost a flawless performer until now. Apparently, you guys read a few posts about people wanting better gas mileage and threw that in for a bonus without doing enough testing in the field. Anyone spending that much money on a great machine, then gripes about the gas mileage, should never have bought a Spyder. If getting 3-4 more MPG is that important, sell it.
We completed a 13,624 mile journey last Wednesday. I had the update done in Worthington, MN. Ran really well until about 500 miles later. Then, we call you guys and are told you never heard about the problem, and don't pay attention to SpyderLovers.com posts! Frankly, someone needs to start heeding legitimate complaints. I, as many other owners, have over 300,000 miles on varies motorcycles, and I am not a complainer. But, if something is wrong, then I would like to have it corrected. I don't appreciate BRP doing something to my Spyder that was not requested, which is what you did.
Dudley J. Stelly

Have you checked your purge valve? It may not be the re-map at all.

08-17-2009, 06:25 PM
Everything was good before the update. No problems. Better after the update.
I will put it this way; If I had paid $50 for the update and its results, I would feel like I got a real deal.

I never had any issues with my SE5 to begin with, but after the upgrade I feel that my shifting felt smoother.

08-17-2009, 08:52 PM
My spyder was running good anyway, however since the upgrade it runs hotter, and extra bar and that concerns me.

Mine ran hotter yesterday - I got 5 bars instead of 4 but I attributed it to the unbearable humid/hot weather. I am just so confused now. Wish I never took it in for the darn recall.

08-17-2009, 10:22 PM
Steering seems ok . Bike was running fine before recall, after recall running terrible. sputterning, backfireing all the time. Told service mrg. soon as I notice it. He said he did not do anything that would have cause it.
I do believe him but just maybe some of the software program were written wrong, and he would not know it was doing it. They are suppose to be checking it out with BRP not a word yet.
Theres got to be something to it to many people are having the same problem after recall.:dontknow:wildwillie

08-17-2009, 10:40 PM
Mine ran hotter yesterday - I got 5 bars instead of 4 but I attributed it to the unbearable humid/hot weather. I am just so confused now. Wish I never took it in for the darn recall.


08-18-2009, 05:06 AM
funny how the purge valves are going bad after software update.I had a
bad feeling about taking my bike in for the recall when i found out it was a
software update because in my experiance they fix one thing and screw up 3 ohter things in the name of "making it better".i am not riding my:spyder2: untill they come up with a fix.if i have to buy a juicebox to get it running like it did before the update...:cus:

08-18-2009, 08:46 AM
Might want to make some phone calls if you haven't already.

if you are having issues please call the number lamonster gave us....i called this morning, talked to a nice lady, she did not offer any solutions but that is not her job. she did record down all my "symptoms" and said it will be reported to brp. i would encourage you to call your dealer and have them to report all their customer complaints too....i called my dealer and they are frustrated as we are. they are calling their other customers who have had the update and see if they are having problems too. maybe with all these calls they will do something!

08-18-2009, 05:45 PM
Wow, only 150 votes from 2000 members....
There must be a lot of riders out there that either havn't bothered to vote or are waiting on the side lines to see what happens next.

Hey Lamont maybe you need to add a vote choice:
"Not done yet, waiting to see what happens" because I can't vote untill I've done the upgrade. I don't want to do the upgrade because my machine is running sweet.


08-18-2009, 05:49 PM
funny how the purge valves are going bad after software update.I had a
bad feeling about taking my bike in for the recall when i found out it was a
software update because in my experiance they fix one thing and screw up 3 ohter things in the name of "making it better".i am not riding my:spyder2: untill they come up with a fix.if i have to buy a juicebox to get it running like it did before the update...:cus:

It isn't a matter of Purge Valves going bad. The valve is opened and closed electronically based on how and when it is activated by the ECM. It is a programmed function and can be altered by changing the software (as is the case with the update).

It is pretty obvious that BRP has changed how and when the valve is controlled. They probably extened the OPEN cycle duration to address the "Gas Fume Smell" being reported by some owners.

But regardless the reason, it appears that this change has caused a fair number of Purge Valves to be open when they need to be closed. Are the valves sticking open or are they being kept open too long by the ECM?

That may vary by case. But either way you're going to get drivability issues.

I agree that we should not have to be troubleshooting these issues. But I'd rather troubleshoot and fix than wait for a fix from BRP or the dealer. Especially when blocking off the Purge Valve is so easily done with no negative effects.

08-18-2009, 05:52 PM
Recall work complete. Seems to run the same to me.

gladdy's spyder
08-18-2009, 06:39 PM
:2excited:I never realized there was a problem with the Spyder steering, but my friend Kiwi Rider told me about it and I took it in and now it runs like a dream. I can't respond to engine problems, as far as I know it's running good, my husband rides it once in awhile to check it out and he says it's running good. I never rode anykind of a motorcycle until June, last month we trailed bikes to Yellowstone, Tetons, Black Hill and Sturgis and rode them over 3200 miles. I'm a 68 year old female finding my second youth on my wonderful Spyder.

I'm trying to get an idea on how many SpyderLovers have had issues after the update and how many are happy after the update. Please vote on this post and I will send it to BRP when we have a good number of votes. Maybe they can tell me what you need to do if your Spyder is not happy with the update. :dontknow:

Please don't vote if you have not had the update. I like to get an honest report to send to BRP. Thanks

08-18-2009, 06:50 PM
:2excited:I never realized there was a problem with the Spyder steering, but my friend Kiwi Rider told me about it and I took it in and now it runs like a dream. I can't respond to engine problems, as far as I know it's running good, my husband rides it once in awhile to check it out and he says it's running good. I never rode anykind of a motorcycle until June, last month we trailed bikes to Yellowstone, Tetons, Black Hill and Sturgis and rode them over 3200 miles. I'm a 68 year old female finding my second youth on my wonderful Spyder.welcomeand :congrats:

08-18-2009, 08:09 PM
How great is that....The spyder is a "enabler for setting our spirits free."
It crosses so many boundries for people to experience life in the open
air and to do things that may have not happened with only a two wheel

08-19-2009, 05:55 AM
It is a shame this isn't going more smoothly.

Peacing together what seems to be coming from BRP I'd say widowmaker2011 makes a lot of sense. At least in regards to Ken's static O2 sensor as opposed the the JB, which is adjustable.

Who would have guessed BRP would be changing the fuel map?

I does not sound like BRP has leaned out the entire map. Sounds like the main area of change is in the cruise function. That is where you're going to get a mileage improvment.

If Lamont's info about the purge valve staying open too long or sticking open is correct, that would definitely play havoc with the entire system and give a very lean mix. At least that is an easy possiblity to confirm or eliminate by blocking or pinching off the purge hose.

I rode again today. I've got 120+ on the update and I am sure my Spyder is running better and steering better than before the update. I wish everyone could say the same.

I have a Motad Venom muffler (db killer fitted) and the high flow air filter (no O2 modifier or juice box).
After the update, engine runs smoother, no popping when throttling down as before. Power delivery is more linear which I am getting used to now. Haven't checked my plugs, but exhaust is a dark grey colour after a long ride (suggests to me no lean running issues). And it seems to be running a little cooler.

Shifting is much smoother.

Steering is very much improved.

All good for me. Vast improvement all round.

If we're getting the same update I can't understand the huge difference in performance.

08-19-2009, 07:33 AM
WOW. Who did they get to do this program patch? Did they get some intern to do this Or is there just so much sloop in these components that the patch has such radically differnt results on these bike. Did they use such cheap components that they won't hold to specs and are all over the map as to how they react to programing? This isn't rocket science. Far more complex progaming and components are used on cars these days and they don't have a 40% failure rate.
Mine ran fine until the patch and now pops and spits and bachfires. Stock filter and pipe. Come on BRP. Get this fixed RIGHT!!!!!!!:lecturef_smilie::gaah:

08-19-2009, 09:13 AM
Well here is our 4 cents worth(two Spyders!)
On Wifes Spyder
Took Wife in first(SMILE) Hers was backfiring also.
Did upgrade, 9000 mile service(using Royal Purple oil because of Dudley suggestion about oil in airbox-DID NOT HELP!)
She had almost 10000 miles on her's when I took it in for service!
Tech said they tighten clamps on exhaust for backfiring(DID NOT HELP got worse !)
When I left the dealership I did smell raw gas and then rode about 5 miles and filled up(cheaper in VA.) I smelled raw gas again very strong and it was a VERY LONG 20 mile trip home. Wife said she did not smell any gas Saturday.
She did not have any problems with her steering before sooooo!
Her Spyder does seem to have more power up to 5th gear!

Did upgrade and 9000 mile service(Royal Purple too and had a lot more oil in my airbox than wife( I do push mine harder that Wife does)
Little P.S. here; when I took Wifes Spyder in when I hit the four lane I pass a truck and got up to 90 MPH; (she'd NEVER GO THAT FAST) and had just slowed down when I spotted a Reidsville cop checking speeds on the four lane(never saw that before)
Well back to my write up--
I had experenced a catch in my steering before upgrade
When I was making a big uturn in a parking lot the streeing felt like it hit a stop bumper then it would pop and go on the the full turn
I think that is fixed(really have not checked it out)
I too feel I have more power up to 5th gear too but not as much as Wife's Spyder.
We rode last Saturday with one of our groups we ride with for a 150 miles trip and NO PROBLEMS and it was 95+ degrees all day!
So we're happy SO FAR!! Fingers and toes crossed!!

08-19-2009, 11:00 PM
Looks like the poll is holding pretty steady at 60% good, 40% bad. Not a great showing.

I wonder how much this would improve by eliminating the Purge Valve factor.

From scanning the posts, sounds like this might correct most of the issues people are having.

08-19-2009, 11:20 PM
Had the update done at the 1000km check and it seems the :spyder:has lost some go,I was able to spin rear tire by just rolling on throttle prior to update, not anymore. It also seems It is using more fuel now.I have only put on about 800km since update.Thanks Lamont for all you do for us.

08-22-2009, 12:54 PM
Finally had the chance today to thoroughly test my Spyders after the recall. My Spyder is still mechanically 100% stock. Temperature was 95F and 90% humidity. I could not feel any difference in the steering and the drivability was the same, just felt like the smooth shifting soft spots happened at a slightly higher RPMs.

I guess I am one of the lucky ones.:ohyea:

08-23-2009, 12:22 AM
:gaah:I had the update and it runs like crap!!

08-23-2009, 12:55 AM
got update,oil change, got on bike seem to be a little quicker. i love it.:2excited::2thumbs:

08-23-2009, 11:12 AM
Had the update done 300 miles ago. Only mod worth noting, with regard to the engine, is the Hindle Exhaust, which has been on the :spyder: since I picked it up in April 2008. Currently at 4800+ miles.

* Steering is a bit smoother, but not a dramatic difference IMHO.
* Engine is running fine; no backfiring, surging, sputtering, etc.
Note: it was running fine before the update. Hence, no change that I can tell.
* 75 degrees and humid this morning. Took a 70 mile ride for donuts. :spyder: handled great. Up to 105 on the highway (81 in 4th)... very smooth. I typically don't speed, but I wanted to give my new CHAD windshield a good test run; check for vibration, stability, noise, etc. :2thumbs:

From my perspective, the update has had no negative impact on performance.

My 2 cents.

08-27-2009, 01:53 PM
both spyders done .... did over 150 miles yesterday running so well didnt want to stop ... :D:2thumbs:

08-27-2009, 05:46 PM
Everything was great for about 300 miles. Then it started running really bad while my wife and I were out. Went home, did battery disconnect and 15 min idle. Spyder has been running better but my mileage really went south. I was averaging around 36 MPG before update. Now it is about 29.
I Have a hard time accepting that my Micron is the culprit (aftermarket exhaust). The Hindle ain't that much different than the Micron when it comes to exhaust flow. Ahhh... I still love the darn thing. It's too much fun, just wish I had my 36 MPG back :thumbup:

08-28-2009, 08:25 AM
i am waiting to see what brp does about alot of spyders running bad after....then i will get it and the ground wire done......ive never had steering issues anyway, just shifting issues

08-28-2009, 09:00 AM
another 100 miles total around 260 still running strong so is dee's

08-28-2009, 09:50 AM
Aubierules - I'd recommend NOT waiting on the ground wire update

There are no drawbacks to the ground wire fix
You say you have shifting problems
You can do the fix yourself
Others have reported improved shifting after adding the wires (me included)

08-28-2009, 02:04 PM
Apparently I should have done more riding before voting. My Spyder had been running fine, but it ran really badly during the very warm weather we had around here last week. This week I've noticed that it's fine for a while, but after getting stuck in traffic for a bit with the Spyder getting nice & toasty, I start to get lots of popping and surging. I tried getting the rpms up (as much as traffic would allow), but that didn't seem to help much. I'm going to try the purge valve test soon.

08-28-2009, 02:09 PM
I went for the update, rode home about 15 miles (100 degree plus outside). Thus far the spyder is running as good if not better than before. I will post another update after a couple hundred miles. BTW I spoke to the tech that did the update, he told me he has updated 30 or so spyders thus far with no issues.:dontknow:

I did some research on the dealer before I purchased the spyder and it is in fact, for the year 2009, the best rated dealer in the nation so maybe they have better techs?


I hope he was speaking the truth, if so....

Would it be a fair guess to say that maybe its the tech and not so much the software?

08-28-2009, 02:11 PM
Apparently I should have done more riding before voting. My Spyder had been running fine, but it ran really badly during the very warm weather we had around here last week. This week I've noticed that it's fine for a while, but after getting stuck in traffic for a bit with the Spyder getting nice & toasty, I start to get lots of popping and surging. I tried getting the rpms up (as much as traffic would allow), but that didn't seem to help much. I'm going to try the purge valve test soon.

I am kind of in the same boat -- sais was running great but have been experiencing surging between 3800 and 4200 RPM's in the upper gears. It is bothersome. I have a stock SM5 except for the NMN green air filter.
Am installing other MODS tonight (risers, grips, throttlemeiser and highway pegs) Will disconnect the battery and see if that helps. But seriously considering plugging the line to the purge valve especially while I have all the tupperware off.

08-28-2009, 05:01 PM
Aubierules - I'd recommend NOT waiting on the ground wire update

There are no drawbacks to the ground wire fix
You say you have shifting problems
You can do the fix yourself
Others have reported improved shifting after adding the wires (me included)

im waiting cause its an hours drive to the shop.....i had shifting problems...havent in a thousand miles after the last fix

08-29-2009, 06:27 PM
Had the update on the steering and groundwire done yesterday. Went on my first and longest trip of 46 miles today, all back roads. Had a blast.

My 2009 SE5 spyder is all stock still, well kind of, had 4" risers, mirror extenders, trunk popper, 12v power mod installed into the dashboard, and have a 12v power mod in the trunk, all just added yesterday. Same stock exhaust and have done no engine mods.

Had no serious issues before, it hesitated a bit between 3500 and 4000rpm. I have no hesitations now, and runs smooth as can be. Steering is great. I use to have loud clunking noises, that's all gone now.

08-29-2009, 07:52 PM
Adding to what Scotty said, many others only read and don't reply or only read certain posts. To get close to 100% participation, lamonster would have to make this poll pop up on everyone opening up a SpyderLovers page and not allow them to go any farther until they answered. Then somehow track that they did participate so it wouldn't hold them up again and also prevent them from "stuffing the box" with multiple answers. It's just an informal poll so I doubt he would take the time to take it to this extreme.
Your right do it like you said at start up, do the poll, that way people like me don't start trying to work out should i keep it or sell it, there seems to be a lot of neg feed back on the spyder how about the positives as its starting to sound like these can am"s are lemons.
Regards Darren:dontknow:

08-29-2009, 08:47 PM
welcomeand :congrats:
Well, after the re-call update, I take my 08-se5 over to my Harley budy tech (harley Buell, also got Rotax engines) , who's been a wrench'n on cycles 40+ yrs, & he saddle up the Spyder, pinch off purge valve hose, with vise-grips, & I cranked up my other ride, a Harley Scream'n Eagle V-Rod, & we headed out on the Interstate, 75 m.p.h. 4th. gear, 6400 r.p.m. 150 miles! & Spyder ran like Crap, :gaah: , felt like it was a tow'n (Lamont's) trailer full :yes: of his Mod's:sour: with 2 flat tires! :shocked: 150 miles later, fill with fuel, take off vise-grips to un-pinch purge hose, 75 m.p.h. this time 5th. gear, & 5400 r.p.m., Spyder ran like a Scalded Rat, toe to toe with V-Rod, which is 100 lbs liter, & 30 more horsepower!! Go figure ??? :chat: what works for one don't for another ??? , my budy's theory, be pactient, b.r.p, & rotax all scratch'n their heads !! , for a fix!! , too many different Co's. make'n E.C.U., soft-ware, programmers, etc. REMBER, Bill Gates last pewter operating software, VISTA, took a couple yrs. ta get it a work'n !! THAT'S MY STORY, & I'M STICK'N TOO IT !! :ohyea:

08-29-2009, 09:32 PM
Surging and backfiring since update. Was fine before.:gaah:

08-29-2009, 10:02 PM
Surging and backfiring since update. Was fine before.:gaah:
Im going to leave mine alone and not get the update as it is running fine:thumbup:

jeremy taflinger
08-31-2009, 12:26 AM
I had the update done a week ago I noticed my steering was much more sensitive ( a good thing) I also noticed my gas mileage improved slightly but my acceleration went down slightly, used to feel like I could of brought the front wheels up almost when I hit the throttle hard at any speed, but I didnt buy it for a performance vehicle so I am not that upset about a little slower acceleration, its still quick and fun to ride. 1300 miles so far and no noticeable problems purchased late july 2009, happy spyder owner

08-31-2009, 05:19 AM
I had my recall update done a couple of weeks ago. The weather has been rubbish since, so haven't been out on it much but have had a couple of rides. I have to say that my Spyder seems so much better than before the update. Steering seems sharper and the engine pulls so much harder, especially in 5th gear. The other thing is,I changed my oil to a 10W40 Shell fully synthetic motorcycle oil. The gear change is now so crisp and smooth, I cannot believe a change of oil could be so obviouse.
I am wondering, as someone else mentioned, at the end of the day, just how much difference the Technician who does the update has to do with it. My Spyder is an 08 SM5
All in all, I am

08-31-2009, 04:27 PM
I had my recall update done a couple of weeks ago. The weather has been rubbish since, so haven't been out on it much but have had a couple of rides. I have to say that my Spyder seems so much better than before the update. Steering seems sharper and the engine pulls so much harder, especially in 5th gear. The other thing is,I changed my oil to a 10W40 Shell fully synthetic motorcycle oil. The gear change is now so crisp and smooth, I cannot believe a change of oil could be so obviouse.
I am wondering, as someone else mentioned, at the end of the day, just how much difference the Technician who does the update has to do with it. My Spyder is an 08 SM5
All in all, I am
Its good to see some one with a pos about the Can am we need to see more happy :spyder2: riders.
regards Darren

09-01-2009, 07:58 AM
I had my recall update done a couple of weeks ago. The weather has been rubbish since, so haven't been out on it much but have had a couple of rides. I have to say that my Spyder seems so much better than before the update. Steering seems sharper and the engine pulls so much harder, especially in 5th gear. The other thing is,I changed my oil to a 10W40 Shell fully synthetic motorcycle oil. The gear change is now so crisp and smooth, I cannot believe a change of oil could be so obviouse.
I am wondering, as someone else mentioned, at the end of the day, just how much difference the Technician who does the update has to do with it. My Spyder is an 08 SM5
All in all, I am

Better be careful with a full synthetic oil it will cause clutch slippedge.

09-01-2009, 09:41 AM
Better be careful with a full synthetic oil it will cause clutch slippedge.

Not really. As long as the "Energy Conserving" additives are not there... see the packaging... it is fine. Also, according to BRP, use something less than an "SM" rating... such as SJ or lower.

Amsoil makes it as well as others. I just found some Mobil 1 in gallon jugs in 10-40 weight that meets both of the criteria above.


09-01-2009, 09:56 AM
Better be careful with a full synthetic oil it will cause clutch slippedge.

Not really. As long as the "Energy Conserving" additives are not there... see the packaging... it is fine. Also, according to BRP, use something less than an "SM" rating... such as SJ or lower.

Amsoil makes it as well as others. I just found some Mobil 1 in gallon jugs in 10-40 weight that meets both of the criteria above.
I agree with Atadude, just because it is full synthetic does not mean it will cause clutch slippage. There are a number of accepatble full synthetic oils...some made specifically for motorcycle use. BRP still specifies full synthetic, even though they no longer sell it. Biggest problem is finding the correct viscosity in the oil you choose. For some, the API rating differs between weights. For instance with Castrol Syntec, 5W-40 meets the BRP spec, but 10W-40 carries an SM rating and will probably cause clutch slippage.

09-01-2009, 11:01 AM
16000 km update done runs good cooler maybe slitly less power but still happy

09-01-2009, 12:24 PM
Haven't checked in on this website for quite some time now. Have been waiting until my 6000 mile service before I have the software update performed. Just called to make an appointment and was told I should wait until they received the wire for the shifting fix later this week.

It seems that some people that were experiencing problems have had those problems rectified, and some people whose machines were fine before, are now less than stellar.

Hopefully, since mine has had backfiring issues, steering problems, and shifting problems, the 'fixes' will do what they are supposed to accomplish. It would be nice if my ride was performing well for the 'Spyders in the Smokies' trip.

09-01-2009, 12:27 PM
Haven't checked in on this website for quite some time now. Have been waiting until my 6000 mile service before I have the software update performed. Just called to make an appointment and was told I should wait until they received the wire for the shifting fix later this week.

It seems that some people that were experiencing problems have had those problems rectified, and some people whose machines were fine before, are now less than stellar.

Hopefully, since mine has had backfiring issues, steering problems, and shifting problems, the 'fixes' will do what they are supposed to accomplish. It would be nice if my ride was performing well for the 'Spyders in the Smokies' trip.

The good news is it doesn't sound like it can get any worst. :shocked:;)

09-01-2009, 05:21 PM
Better be careful with a full synthetic oil it will cause clutch slippedge.

I run AmsOil full synthetic in my Spyder, M109R, Valkyrie, and never had the clutch slip no matter how hard I rode it.

You have to be careful when talking to anyone that has something to sell (or someone that has talked to such a person).

It is amazing how only what the seller carries will work for you and everything else will blow up your ride!

09-02-2009, 08:10 AM
My personal experience with full synthetic.
1. ruined the clutch in 1100 Suzuki
2. " " " " 300 Honda

Also Shell Rottella 5/40 syn. has a SM rating but does NOT have th friction modifiers added.
I was told this by the Shell co.. And Iv'e been using it sice my first oil change with no problems.

So with that who's to believe what? :dontknow:

09-02-2009, 04:15 PM
My personal experience with full synthetic.
1. ruined the clutch in 1100 Suzuki
2. " " " " 300 Honda

Just curious, who's full synthetic were you using on the two bikes with ruined clutches?

09-02-2009, 05:46 PM
I don't remember what brand as it was years ago. But I had to put new clutchs as they slipped very bad. And cleaning them didn't help. And the bike dealer also said that this would happen and it did.

09-02-2009, 05:56 PM
Just curious, who's full synthetic were you using on the two bikes with ruined clutches?

I don't remember what brand as it was years ago. But I had to put new clutches as they slipped very bad. And cleaning them didn't help. And the bike dealer also said that this would happen and it did.
I can see this happening fairly readily. The clutch material, size, and spring rate is designed for a certain type of fluid in a wet clutch. Full synthetic oils is very slippery in comparison to dino oils. If the clutch material was designed with petroleum oil in mind, and a synthetic was used, the clutch could, indeed, slip. Once the slip, they are usually ruined. One good reason I run only dino oils in vintage bikes.

09-03-2009, 05:43 AM
Better be careful with a full synthetic oil it will cause clutch slippedge.

There are heaps of fully synthetic oils out there made specifically for motorbikes with wet clutches. Indeed, BRPs first recomended oil for the Spyder (see page 82 of owners manual) was fully synthetic (and still is). If you use synthetic oil made for autos then you will be in trouble. I have used fully synthetic in both my Triumphs with no sign of slippage. Thanks for your concern, but I think it is unfounded.

09-03-2009, 08:11 AM
It was several years ago way before they made syn. oil especially for motorcycles. My question is - is syn. oil made for motorcycles Really a true syn. oil, or a blend. I tend to lean to a blend; Which is just A partial synthetic oil.

09-05-2009, 02:41 PM
OK... I finally had mine done this morning and I'm in the "no better, no worse" category. I did NOT turn off the JuiceBox or prepare in any way. On the JB settings that matter, I'm at 7,7,2 and 2.

Didn't notice any steering differences or "running lean" condition. So... I'm kind of siding with the folks who say the dealer makes a difference.

Mine is Richardson Motorsports in Richardson and their techs are pretty darn good.


09-05-2009, 02:50 PM
Running ruff. Hesitation, Surging. Love the way you try to help us all out Thank's

Ditto at high temps (4 bars plus) and low to mid RPMs.

Update: Did the Lamonster fix (pinched off the purge valve hose) and ran the bleep out of it last night. Running like a champ for Smokies trip!

Spydr in KS
09-06-2009, 07:22 AM
Some members here don't actually have Spyders, just considering them. Others of us have not had the recall update done.

So Scotty, have you had the update done yet? I have searched for an opinion from you, BJT and DLTANG:popcorn::popcorn:

09-06-2009, 08:18 AM
:ohyea:Mine runs better and love it Bagman
I'm trying to get an idea on how many SpyderLovers have had issues after the update and how many are happy after the update. Please vote on this post and I will send it to BRP when we have a good number of votes. Maybe they can tell me what you need to do if your Spyder is not happy with the update. :dontknow:

Please don't vote if you have not had the update. I like to get an honest report to send to BRP. Thanks

09-06-2009, 08:27 AM
So Scotty, have you had the update done yet? I have searched for an opinion from you, BJT and DLTANG:popcorn::popcorn:
update done here with no problem. After BJT had his update they discovered a bad DPS and he had to have it replaced. Just this week his spyder started sputtering and popping which it never did before. Not sure if that is due to the update or some bad gas. I will let him chime in with his own experience. I too have switched gas, my spyder was really backfiring and popping a lot but it did that sometime before the update too. I decided not to use Speedway gas for a while and to try premium. I have been using Shell which does not say 10% ethanol anywhere on the tank and Speedway does. My mileage seems to be the same or close but my spyder is running considerably better. Not sure if it it just the switch from Speedway to Shell, reg to premium or ethanol to no ethanol. I will have to play with it a bit. Also, bjt just did the "canisterectomy" on both spyders this morning.

Back to your basic question though, I did my update and noticed some better steering and no new problems with my spyder. Any running issues I had, I already had. So the update was just fine. Of course, I had my GPS replaced previously and was one of the first ones that helped them to look into this whole steering issue.

09-06-2009, 08:33 AM
So Scotty, have you had the update done yet? I have searched for an opinion from you, BJT and DLTANG:popcorn::popcorn:
No update here yet. Couldn't schedule it before my surgery, and now can't ride for 4-6 weeks or so. Nancy too busy playing nurse to me and being back at work (teacher). Hopefully before the snow flies we will be able to do it.

Spydr in KS
09-06-2009, 11:39 AM
No update here yet. Couldn't schedule it before my surgery, and now can't ride for 4-6 weeks or so. Nancy too busy playing nurse to me and being back at work (teacher). Hopefully before the snow flies we will be able to do it.

Thanks, feel better. Hope you get to ride before the snow flies.

I have been off the Syder due to work and family for a while. Think I'll go ahead and get the update done this week.

Spydr in KS
09-06-2009, 11:42 AM
Not sure if that is due to the update or some bad gas.

You know, I swear my Spyder runs better when I run Iso-Heet fuel antifreeze and water remover. I stopped using using it last spring and just puts some back in a tankful.

09-06-2009, 08:09 PM
Just a note ethanol is conducive to water. So by adding ISO-HEET may be a good thing to do.

09-07-2009, 09:09 AM
You know, I swear my Spyder runs better when I run Iso-Heet fuel antifreeze and water remover. I stopped using using it last spring and just puts some back in a tankful.
By the way, I have a correction, bjt did not do a "canisterectomy" he just plugged the hose to the purge valve. Anyway, it is running very well right now, so I have no complaints.

09-07-2009, 01:18 PM
The update has fixed my power steering problem. Has not gone intermittent since I got the recall. But, for those who don't know, I like to take my Spyder to the drag strip. Before the recall, I had an avg reaction time of 1.1 sec with avg speed of 87 mph at the 1/8th mile and time of 8.1 sec. After the recall, reaction time is down to .5 sec, but avg speed is 78 mph and time is 9.2 sec. What is the reason for the lack of power? :dontknow:

09-07-2009, 01:41 PM
The update has fixed my power steering problem. Has not gone intermittent since I got the recall. But, for those who don't know, I like to take my Spyder to the drag strip. Before the recall, I had an avg reaction time of 1.1 sec with avg speed of 87 mph at the 1/8th mile and time of 8.1 sec. After the recall, reaction time is down to .5 sec, but avg speed is 78 mph and time is 9.2 sec. What is the reason for the lack of power? :dontknow:
If they leaned this thing out, either intentionally via the fuel mapping, or inadvertently through revised purge valve timing. it could easily have less power.

09-07-2009, 01:50 PM
over 500 miles and update still running great ....dee has about 400 miles since update same with her spyder:2thumbs:

09-07-2009, 06:06 PM
I've got about 3,000 miles since update and my gas milage is exactly the same as before. I check every tank full. But with an added bonuse of surging & backfiring.

09-08-2009, 08:45 PM
still running terrible service mrg. said that brp is working on a fix. no word yet. Getting tired of waiting.:dontknow:wildwillie

09-08-2009, 09:29 PM
Steering isn't an issue, never noticed it being an issue before the update either. The hesitation/surging is definately noticable. Sometimes it runs good, sometimes it runs bad. Leave it for 30mins and go ryding again and it wil react differently. It happens most of the time around town in low gears low rpm's (3k-4k). Highways driving is definately more stable as far as the hesitation/surging goes.....I'm sure alot of other people will post similar statement, but I hope this helps....

Big Arm
09-08-2009, 09:36 PM
Wonder how many voeted, before the problems started showing up ? :dontknow:

09-08-2009, 10:57 PM
Wonder how many voeted, before the problems started showing up ? :dontknow:

I did. My Spyder started running just a touch rough last weekend. Coincidently, it was the first time I was riding since the update that the outside temp was high enough to get my Spyder temp up to 5 bars. It only ran rough for just a few minutes when it was at 5 bars. We stopped to eat lunch and when I came back out, it seemed to run fine again the rest of the day. I did do the purge line plug but did not remove the canister. Seems to be running fine still but it hasn't gotten up to 5 bars again either.

Tom in NM
09-08-2009, 11:38 PM
Wonder how many voeted, before the problems started showing up ? :dontknow:

. . . or went away. :dontknow:


09-09-2009, 07:52 AM
Wonder how many voeted, before the problems started showing up ? :dontknow:

Was woundering the same thing.

09-09-2009, 05:56 PM
I did. My Spyder started running just a touch rough last weekend. Coincidently, it was the first time I was riding since the update that the outside temp was high enough to get my Spyder temp up to 5 bars. It only ran rough for just a few minutes when it was at 5 bars. We stopped to eat lunch and when I came back out, it seemed to run fine again the rest of the day. I did do the purge line plug but did not remove the canister. Seems to be running fine still but it hasn't gotten up to 5 bars again either.

Well I was out galavanting around today before work and the Spyder hit 5 bars on the temp gauge again. This time it continued to run smooth and it wasn't so hot that the fan wouldn't bring the temp back down to 4 bars quickly. I may convert the plugged purge line into the full canisterectomy as I seem to be smelling gas more often now. I guess that the fumes are overwhelming the charcoal tank without the purge valve to suck the excess out. :dontknow:

09-09-2009, 06:14 PM
OK, now I guess is as good a time as any to post on this. After having the update done in MN during our journey, the Spyder started doing what I call the spastic rabbit. Spurting and burping and running like it had a bad spark plug wire or something (in 1st or 2nd gear only). As long as it didn't leave us stranded we were determined to ride it home without doing anything to it. After getting home I did the purge line plug. What a difference a plug makes!!! There were times even before the update or the plug that it just seemed like the combustion was very hard, not balanced as it should. Now, it runs almost as smooth as a 4 cylinder. Not being a mechanic, that's about as well as I can describe it. It doesn't seem like the same engine! Today was the 4th time we rode since the plug. What a joy! And we were in stop and go traffic at the Border Checkpoint for about 15 minutes...5 bars for sure...it was almost 90F ambient. It just purrrrrred.

09-10-2009, 08:19 AM
I guess no one has heard of fix coming from BRP yet,right? There were supposed to be some service bullitens sent to the dealers on a cure or fix.:popcorn:

09-10-2009, 08:40 AM
:2thumbs:my fix was to plug the purge valve. :spyder: runs great,no more backfirering on hesation on shifts

09-10-2009, 09:39 AM
I guess no one has heard of fix coming from BRP yet,right? There were supposed to be some service bullitens sent to the dealers on a cure or fix.:popcorn:

My guess is 90% of the Spyder guys at BRP have been on the road for the last two weeks and I think they'll be done this week. It's hard to do this thing right when all the support crew is on the road.

09-10-2009, 09:54 AM
I'm trying to get an idea on how many SpyderLovers have had issues after the update and how many are happy after the update. Please vote on this post and I will send it to BRP when we have a good number of votes. Maybe they can tell me what you need to do if your Spyder is not happy with the update. :dontknow:

Please don't vote if you have not had the update. I like to get an honest report to send to BRP. Thanks
I have two spyders one is 2008 and 2009 both runs like crap. they are in the shop now. brp has not help with a up date like they had told me they was working on it. i got the updates around 8/4/09 no fix.

09-10-2009, 12:04 PM
I almost voted same as before but my vote was not as good as before for this reason. It idles a little rougher than it did before, I feel a little bit of surging, hesitation occasionally at a steady 50 mph cruise (like driving into a head wind), it back fires a bit more and I get worse gas mileage. This was hard for me to put a finger on because I am not as dialed in to my machine as a lot of people seem to be. The changes are very minor and it's not as if the Spyder ran like a well oiled machine before the update. As for the gas mileage, it is hard to fill the same every time, that is why I waited so long to vote after my update. I have now filled it several times. I don't do the math on the Spyder for checking mileage, I simply fill it and then look at the trip meter when the gas light comes on. I used to average about 150 miles, now it's about 140. There you have it, a lot of words and not much useful information. I love my Spyder and enjoy riding it as much today as the day I bought it.

09-11-2009, 04:56 AM
My changes were minor, hate to be vague but about all I can say is different with what seems to be a minor loss of that great acceleration that I loved from this machine.

09-11-2009, 10:05 PM
Had the update done, no problems in the 50 mile ride home, actually less backfire than I had before.:dontknow:

But - we're leaving tomorrow for the Black Hills, so I'll wait to vote after that. I should have a real good idea of how it's running by the time we get back.

09-12-2009, 08:08 AM
Had the update done, no problems in the 50 mile ride home, actually less backfire than I had before.:dontknow:

But - we're leaving tomorrow for the Black Hills, so I'll wait to vote after that. I should have a real good idea of how it's running by the time we get back.

Hey have a great time in the Black Hills we did. Stayed there a week, camped at Pactola Lake. If you go to Hill City you might want to try Alpine Inn for dinner. Starts at 5pm menu has only one thing Filet Mignon. either a 6 ounce for $8.99 or 9 ounce for $10.99. You get a wedge of lettuce with their house dressing, no other choice of dressing, a bake potato and a texas toast We had to get there ealy to sign up to get in to eat. It is usually packed everynight. 1/2 hr to 1 hr wait. Was really good.

09-13-2009, 07:12 PM
:lecturef_smilie: What a Joke,:cus: It ran better before I took it in for the update,I wish I would have left it alone!!! :spyder: I have seen and sat on RT-S and it is very nice ! But I think I,ll wait till they work the bugs out of that too ! Then trade up. :2excited: :chat: :ohyea::popcorn:

09-13-2009, 07:38 PM
9 oz. steak?- what do ya get for dinner?:dontknow:

Thats the thing they'er cheap order 2=18oz :ohyea: :roflblack:

09-14-2009, 02:54 PM
Brought the Spyder in for locking steering last friday. Still at shop awaiting BRP techs to tell dealer what to try. Kinda sucks, new 2009 Spyder- 4000 miles on it and has been in the shop 3 times for their upgrades/patches. I thought all of the bugs would be worked out by now. Just goes to show you, newest technology must have been spent on the first few models...

09-15-2009, 09:20 PM
First full day riding in the Black Hills, it ran great, fantastic even, the first two thirds of the day. After filling up in the afternoon (Grumpy overfilled it, in my opinion) it started to sputter a little, and I had two momentary episodes where it felt like someone jerked on the handlebars. Very strange, and kind of spooked me a little, slowed down the pace for the last 20 miles through the twisties.

But I still love my :spyder: and we're heading out again tomorrow for Deadwood, Lead, Sturgis and Rapid City. Ain't no stinkin' quirks goin' to keep me off the road! :doorag:

P.S., we went to Alpine Inn, but we were too early, so the woman just glared at us. We left.

09-15-2009, 09:28 PM
9 oz. steak?- what do ya get for dinner?:dontknow:
HDX this place is great been there twice plus you watch shootouts on street while you wait for it to open :ani29: Shame on you if you can't have 2 :D

09-15-2009, 09:32 PM
HD...plus you watch shootouts on street while you wait for it to open...

Are you guys going to Chicago?


09-16-2009, 12:09 PM
Yup they do have shootouts on the streets.

Sorry about your experience at Alpine but they don't open for dinner till after 5pm.

09-16-2009, 08:24 PM
I am not happy! Now when the bike warms up to 4 bars or higher, like in stop and go traffic it starts to miss and sputter... Not good if you all of a sudden need to turn it on and it wants to stall....


09-16-2009, 08:28 PM
I am not happy! Now when the bike warms up to 4 bars or higher, like in stop and go traffic it starts to miss and sputter... Not good if you all of a sudden need to turn it on and it wants to stall....


Mine normally runs at 4 bars. 5 if I'm stuck in traffic but once I get moving again it goes down to 4. On cooler days I can sometimes get 3 bars. Is it humid there? I find mine ran like crap on humid days until HDX did the purge valve. I think I got bad gas this weekend though cuz it ran like sh*t again. Ran fine weekend before that.

09-16-2009, 08:51 PM
Runs the same, great. Why would a steering update change how it runs?:dontknow:

09-16-2009, 09:03 PM
I called BRP again to day. Said there should be (HOPEFULLY) something out early next week for a cure. BRP ---- 1-866-767-0707 :pray: :pray: :pray:

09-26-2009, 07:54 AM
Steering is easier.
More backfiring from the Hindle.
A little higher idling speed at times. Doesn't want to come down to normal idle range as quickly. That's what I've noticed so far.

09-26-2009, 08:21 PM
Called BRP again said it would be out early this week. Ah did I here that before?????? Backfires-surges & engine temperature rises a LOT faster than before update. mmmmmm :spyder: :gaah::helpsmilie: :mad: :mad: