View Full Version : People asking to take spyder for a ride

06-23-2010, 06:36 AM
When some one asks to take the spyder for a ride, I ask them if they have a motorcycle license. Most say they do. Then I tell them that they can take it.
Now they are all excited about riding the spyder. Here is where I drop the BOMB.
I ask them if there license has an endorsment for driving a three wheel motorcycle. They say they didn't know that you have to have a special license.
I say because of the INS. they can't ride it.
Try it sometime.:chat:

Magic Man
06-23-2010, 06:45 AM
Now that's funny :roflblack:

Clever way to get out of a tough question. :thumbup:


06-23-2010, 06:46 AM
I made the mistake of letting a biker friend take my Spyder for a ride and he burned the rear tire right off the bat. I was so mad. :yikes: Never will I let anyone else drive it. And yes , they do ask to.I also took a stranger for a short ride. Not gonna do that again either. Yikes. Sometimes I'm too nice.

06-23-2010, 07:10 AM
A simple No seems to work well. And then for the ones who don't think you are serious Hell No - but then for the really determined ... the standard WHAT ABOUT NO DON't YOU UNDERSTAND. and by then I am :roflblack: and driving off!!!!

06-23-2010, 07:18 AM
.....do you mind if I take it for a spin??? ...Yeah Right.:roflblack:

06-23-2010, 07:21 AM
The only other person that has ridden my Spyder was another Spyder owner.

We traded rydes to compare farkles. :D

06-23-2010, 07:31 AM
Someone else ride my :spyder2: :cus: :lecturef_smilie: only if they own a :spyder2:

06-23-2010, 07:39 AM
Someone else ride my :spyder2: :cus: :lecturef_smilie: only if they own a :spyder2:

:agree:"only if they own a Spyder" and my husband :2thumbs:

06-23-2010, 07:41 AM
I've only been asked once (and I let them)--- because I usually offer it up before they ask.:doorag:

As long as they're someone who's familiar with riding a motorcycle - I'll let anyone take it for a ryde. Last guy who rode it was a HD acquaintance and he was going too easy on it--- told him to burn some rubber already.:thumbup:

I've handed the key to complete strangers - no worries.

06-23-2010, 08:31 AM
I've only let my brother take mine around the block. I didn't realize his block was like 5 miles long! He loved it! :2thumbs:

06-23-2010, 09:15 AM
I let every one ryde all of mine...... then they take it home with them and i have to gey another:2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs:

06-23-2010, 09:36 AM
I always tell people what I read on a sign someone had placed in the window of a restored muscle car, it read:

"An antique car (or motorcylce/Spyder) is like another mans wife, you can look her all you want, but you don't touch her and you certainly don't ask if you can take her for a ride"

Their expression is usually priceless.:roflblack:

06-23-2010, 10:13 AM
You can simplify the process even more than that. Tell them, I wish I could let you ride it but, I am the only rider named on my insurance and it isn't covered for any other rider. That's a fact in our case. My wife and I are the only riders specifically named on our policy and therefore the only riders covered. We get a discount on our insurance by doing so... Len

When some one asks to take the spyder for a ride, I ask them if they have a motorcycle license. Most say they do. Then I tell them that they can take it.
Now they are all excited about riding the spyder. Here is where I drop the BOMB.
I ask them if there license has an endorsment for driving a three wheel motorcycle. They say they didn't know that you have to have a special license.
I say because of the INS. they can't ride it.
Try it sometime.:chat:

06-23-2010, 10:19 AM
I let anyone ride both. Doesn't bother me at all. It's only a Spyder.

06-23-2010, 10:26 AM
Nobody has ever asked me if they can ride any of my bikes.
I must be doing something to keep them from asking! :p

06-23-2010, 10:26 AM
LOAN YOUR BIKE OR YOUR WIFE OUT..............................:2thumbs:

06-23-2010, 10:39 AM
When some one asks to take the spyder for a ride, I ask them if they have a motorcycle license. Most say they do. Then I tell them that they can take it.
Now they are all excited about riding the spyder. Here is where I drop the BOMB.
I ask them if there license has an endorsment for driving a three wheel motorcycle. They say they didn't know that you have to have a special license.
I say because of the INS. they can't ride it.
Try it sometime.:chat:

I just tell them that a $500 non-refundable deposit is required for the ride.

06-23-2010, 10:40 AM
I just tell them that a $500 non-refundable deposit is required for the ride.

For the Spyder or the wife? :roflblack:

06-23-2010, 10:41 AM
For the Spyder or the wife? :roflblack:

EACH... but I don't have a wife. But I guess I wouldn't have to discolse that..:roflblack: :roflblack: :roflblack:

06-23-2010, 10:42 AM
Lots of pros & cons on this subject. We have a dealer here who allows test rides, so anyone really wanting a test drive will be referred to our friend Hal. We also have a restrictive insurance policy with State Farm that allows only family members on our policy to drive the Spyder. This gives us a discount and solves the problem of other riders. If you do allow someone to take a test drive, my advice would be to make sure you know who is going to drive your Spyder, and that they are experienced cycle operators. I would never allow someone I just met off the street to take a test ride. There is just too much that can go wrong.

06-23-2010, 10:43 AM
I've only been asked once (and I let them)--- because I usually offer it up before they ask.:doorag:

As long as they're someone who's familiar with riding a motorcycle - I'll let anyone take it for a ryde. Last guy who rode it was a HD acquaintance and he was going too easy on it--- told him to burn some rubber already.:thumbup:

I've handed the key to complete strangers - no worries.
Me to!! :thumbup: may get another Spyder in the hood. More Spyders more parts. Better value. I even went on an H.A. run. They lined up around it also.

06-23-2010, 11:18 AM
I would never allow someone I just met off the street to take a test ride. There is just too much that can go wrong.

Yeah, like they never come back.:yikes:

06-23-2010, 11:36 AM
Tell them that they can borrow the Spyder if you can borrow their wife.

06-23-2010, 11:56 AM
I just laugh hysterically nojoke

Actually I don't think I've ever been asked by anyone. I have been asked by people if they could sit on it, but that's all. I have only let one other person ride my Spyder (other than my husband) and he is a good family friend that has ridden motorcycles since he was in diapers and has never had an accident. My insurance also only covers my husband and I.

If I were asked I would just refer them to the nearest dealer for a free test ride of their machines. :doorag:

06-23-2010, 01:02 PM
There is kind of an uwritten rule among motorcyclist that you don't touch someone else's bike and you certainly don't ask to take it for a ride. The general "non-riding" public is just not aware of this. Most people who have asked me (and it's only been 3 or 4) obviously fell into this category, I also think that many people just don't veiw a Spyder like they would a motorcylce. I was at Road America last year for the bike races, and I saw a guy actually "kicking" my Spyder. When I said something he said he was only kicking the rear peddle (the parking brake) because he didn't know what it was for! You would think of all places, a motorcycle race track, attendees would know better. I'm not sure if he saw it as a big toy, or was just that clueless, but I was quick to set him straight.

06-23-2010, 01:12 PM
I just tell them that a $500 non-refundable deposit is required for the ride.

Similar here... I tell them for either the $18,000 I have into mine or the $16,200 MSRP I'll let them ride it.

I only have let one non spyder rider ride it, and that was my former co-worker. He was gone a while. :)

My brother and my best friend hasn't even ridden it.

Forest and my wife are the only other ones to have ridden my Spyder.

06-23-2010, 01:14 PM
:2thumbs: I like to take my friends wifes and girlfriends for a ride. I get them on the back and tell them to put there arms around me and hold on tight the whole ride.:roflblack::roflblack:

My wife will sometimes fall asleep on the back with-out holding on !

bone crusher
06-23-2010, 01:32 PM
When some one asks to take the spyder for a ride, I ask them if they have a motorcycle license. Most say they do. Then I tell them that they can take it.
Now they are all excited about riding the spyder. Here is where I drop the BOMB.
I ask them if there license has an endorsment for driving a three wheel motorcycle. They say they didn't know that you have to have a special license.
I say because of the INS. they can't ride it.
Try it sometime.:chat:

Why go through all of that work? If I ride with someone, they can take the spyder out for a spin. If I don't know someone, I certainly am not going to let them take my bike out for a ride as certain as I wouldn't let them take my car out for a spin either...to me, someone 'taking a spin' on my Spyder is a matter of common sense...

I don't find lying about needing a 'special' license to be worth the trouble... anyone with a motorcycle license can ride a three wheeler...it's the other way around that is not permitted...

06-23-2010, 02:15 PM
:agree: I just tell them the bit about a motorcycle being like another mans wife, if they don't get the hint, then I just politely say no.

06-23-2010, 09:28 PM
Tell them that they can borrow the Spyder if you can borrow their wife.

Not necessarily a good trade. The way you can tell right away is if the guy agrees! :yikes:

I used to think it would be ok because the Spyder is so easy to ride. That is until I saw a Demo Spyder get loaned to a guy at Alcoa Good Times. He promptly gunned it and steered right into a large flat bed trailer sitting in the storage area! Don't know what he was thinking but it tore the snot out of the front fender and busted up the trunk real good.

He probably rode all of 40 feet, if that far.

06-24-2010, 10:38 AM
I've had my spyder for about 2 months and I've had at least a dozen people ask me to drive it. I started with carefully worded excuses but now just resort to "no".

I do let ladies sit on it though- mostly to see my wife roll her eyes and remind me I could be their father. However, I would have never raised a daughter to talk to the likes of me!

Tom in NM
06-24-2010, 02:38 PM
When some one asks to take the spyder for a ride, I ask them if they have a motorcycle license. Most say they do. Then I tell them that they can take it.
Now they are all excited about riding the spyder. Here is where I drop the BOMB.
I ask them if there license has an endorsment for driving a three wheel motorcycle. They say they didn't know that you have to have a special license.
I say because of the INS. they can't ride it.
Try it sometime.:chat:

. . . . . for all of us.

Well, almost anyone that asks to take somebody else's' Spyder (car, truck, motorcycle or boat) for a ride is most likely clueless and in my book, disqualified from doing so. A smile and a polite "no" can work wonders, as mentioned above. Informing them of licensing requirements and skills ( if you have the time and inclination ) is a nice thing to do, as well as telling them where they can get a test ride. Moving them from Clueless to On-Track is a Good Thing™, in my book.

But, jerking someone around to get them "excited" and then dropping a "BOMB" on them, pushes the Attitude Gauge from "Playful Tease" through "Smart A$$" to "Raging A$$hole". If that was the effect you were aiming for, I think you nailed it.

One benefit though, I don't think you have to spend time checking the mailbox every day waiting for that Spyder Ambassador pin to arrive.


bone crusher
06-24-2010, 02:42 PM
. . . . . for all of us.

Well, almost anyone that asks to take somebody else's' Spyder (car, truck, motorcycle or boat) for a ride is most likely clueless and in my book, disqualified from doing so. A smile and a polite "no" can work wonders, as mentioned above. Informing them of licensing requirements and skills ( if you have the time and inclination ) is a nice thing to do, as well as telling them where they can get a test ride. Moving them from Clueless to On-Track is a Good Thing™, in my book.

But, jerking someone around to get them "excited" and then dropping a "BOMB" on them, pushes the Attitude Gauge from "Playful Tease" through "Smart A$$" to "Raging A$$hole". If that was the effect you were aiming for, I think you nailed it.

One benefit though, I don't think you have to spend time checking the mailbox every day waiting for that Spyder Ambassador pin to arrive.


Tom...well said! Some around here need some other hobbies/outlets...

06-24-2010, 02:43 PM
i have athe PERFECT solution to the ??? of can I drive it?. On my back fender I have a sticker that says 'YES IT'S FAST........NO YOU CAN'T DRIVE IT!!!!!!!!!" When the question comes up I point to that rear fender!!!! Takes all the fun outa their faces!! :spyder::yikes:

06-24-2010, 11:05 PM
I don't have a problem letting someone take my Spyder around a parking lot provided they're familiar with motorcycles.

If they're not, the answer is no. No taking it out on the road either. My dealer has a Spyder they can test ride more extensively if the parking lot ride isn't enough for them.

It's just a toy, not a sacred and holy object or a person I trust, love and respect.

06-25-2010, 02:02 AM
My rules for lending:

1) Never lend your bike to anyone

2) Read #1

3) If you made it here, you didn't follow directions. Go back and read #1!

I follow this for my quads (with a few pre-determined exceptions), my scooters, my bikes and ESPECIALLY my :spyder2:. Doing otherwise just ends in problems.

06-25-2010, 10:08 AM
down here if you allow someone to take your ride and they get hurt You pay!! Know I man that let someone use his bike the person got killed. the owner lost it all cause the wife sued.
I dont need to work they rest of my life because some flake wanted to go for a ride. bad things happen to good folks

Whatever happened to personal responsibility? These days when something goes wrong everyone tries to make money on it.

Did they sue the people that saw it happen too? What about the bike manufacturer for making the machine and the people who paved the road to make it possible to ride?

Land of the Free and home of the Brave? :dontknow:

06-25-2010, 11:47 AM
I've offered to let a few people ride my spyder. Never a stranger. Had one taker who was my neighbor and a very experienced biker. He said he had a blast. :D Imagine that.
I don't have a big problem with letting someone take it out for a spin. Especially if they have a bike. I ride their bike and they ride my spyder. I want them to experience the fun.

06-25-2010, 02:25 PM
Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

Personal responsibility has died a slow, PC death, along with rational thinking, work ethic, and reward for individual success. We are now ALL responsible for each other... remember - It takes a villiage!

Where's my barf bag?

06-26-2010, 01:16 AM
Personal responsibility has died a slow, PC death, along with rational thinking, work ethic, and reward for individual success. We are now ALL responsible for each other... remember - It takes a villiage!

Where's my barf bag?

Go to any place that opperates on the village level and see how much better it is. Thach yourself a hut and see if things improve for you.

I thought we were moving FROM the village environment because it doesn't work nearly as well!

When is the last time anyone received disaster aid from a village? What village has helped to free a nation from tyrany? Village based medical break throughs? Feats of engineering? Crop improvements? Space travel maybe?

Ok, off topic, I'll be good from now on! No, really, I will!

bone crusher
06-26-2010, 06:39 AM
Go to any place that opperates on the village level and see how much better it is. Thach yourself a hut and see if things improve for you.

I thought we were moving FROM the village environment because it doesn't work nearly as well!

When is the last time anyone received disaster aid from a village? What village has helped to free a nation from tyrany? Village based medical break throughs? Feats of engineering? Crop improvements? Space travel maybe?

Ok, off topic, I'll be good from now on! No, really, I will!

Burn the village! Here's to the power of individuality, hard-work/ambition, care for fellow man, freedom, and liberty for all! Now stop taking all my hard-earned money and no, you can't take my Spyder! :D