• There were many reasons for the change of the site software, the biggest was security. The age of the old software also meant no server updates for certain programs. There are many benefits to the new software, one of the biggest is the mobile functionality. Ill fix up some stuff in the coming days, we'll also try to get some of the old addons back or the data imported back into the site like the garage. To create a thread or to reply with a post is basically the same as it was in the prior software. The default style of the site is light colored, but i temporarily added a darker colored style, to change you can find a link at the bottom of the site.

How many States require a Motorcycle Endorsement for Spyders?


New member
Bitch session about requirement for motorcycle endorsement for 3 wheel motorcycle.
As never having a motorcycle, in 83 years, I knew I would have to get the endorsement here in Idaho. Ninety eight percent of the motorcycle written test was not applicable to the Spyder and probably all other 3 wheel motorcycle and the other 2% was applicable to any 4 wheel vehicle. The skills test is only given by private citizens in most communities or as DMV said take the Starz course which is not given around here for 3 wheelers. The skills test consisted of three events. The first is a cone weave and normal stop, the second is an obstacle swerve, and the last a "quick stop". Now the written test cost $5 and gives you a learners permit for 6 months which cost $15, then the skills test cost $25 and then a new license with the endorsement for $15.
Just out of curiosity how many other States require an endorsement?
NC requires a Motorcycle endorsement, which I have, which allows both 2 and 3 wheels.
However, you would need a Motorcycle license with the 3 wheel endorsement if you weren't going to ride a 2 wheeler.
Maryland has a separate endorsement, it is a J class restriction. I find it funny on my license because I also have a B restriction for eyeglasses.

So on my license under the restrictions portion, it says that I have a BJ restriction. No fun times for me out on the road. 🫢
I took a 3-wheel Basic Rider Course from the local affiliate of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation: https://msf-usa.org/

Completing the course got me two documents, one for the BMV to add the motorcycle endorsement without having to take a test, and another to take to my insurance company, which earned me a discount on my motorcycle insurance.
I used co-pilot and asked this question; the response is:

"Which states do no require an endorsement to operate a Can Am Spyder?"

As of now, California, Nevada, and South Carolina allow you to ride a Can-Am Spyder without needing a motorcycle endorsement. In these states, a standard driver's license is sufficient.

However, it's always a good idea to double-check with your local DMV, as regulations can change. Are you planning a ride soon?"

I then asked the following:

"I live in California which does not require an endorsement to operate a Can Am Spyder. Can I operate it in States that do require an endorsement?

Unfortunately, if you're riding a Can-Am Spyder in States that require a motorcycle endorsement, you'll need to have that endorsement on your license, even if California doesn't require it. Each State has its own licensing requirements, so it's important to check with the DMV of the State you plan to visit to ensure you're compliant with their regulations."

I would definitely get a motorcycle endorsement in these States so I can cross the border! (BTW, I don't live in California).
I live in Tennessee and a motorcycle license or endorsement is required. I moved from NC five months ago and had a motorcycle endorsement from that State also. When I moved to Tennessee I did not have to take a written, vision, or driving/riding test to transfer my endorsement.
Catch 22 here LoUiSiAna. Just motorcycles covering 2 or 3 wheel, Requires endorsement - that requires a riding test & a bike that is insured. Insurance requires endorsement, you can’t get insurance without endorsement - so you need to find a bud willing to loan you a bike for test - or insurance willing to temporarily waiver the need for endorsement 'til completion of your test. Best results come from taking & passing the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) course & getting your certification, then DMV *MIGHT* accept & waive the riding test, just require you to pass the written test. It's a big *MIGHT* tho, as each DMV test person is different & whatever mood they might be in @ time of the required appointment. For anything to do with the DMV, generally prepare for the worst (incorrect /missing paperwork; long waits, even with appointment; grumpy employees...)
Here in Illinois, if you take the basic MSF course, and pass of course, you will receive your MC endorsement. They even provide the bikes to do this with, fun riding Honda Shadow 250's.

I don't know if Illinois requires a MC endorsement to operate a Spyder or not, I do have mine, so...

See about taking the basic MSF course in your area and get the MC endorsement this way, if required in your state for three wheels of course.
NC requires a Motorcycle endorsement which i have which allows both 2 and 3 wheels.
However, you would need a Motorcycle license with 3 wheel endorsement if you weren't going to ride a 2 wheeler.
Because I let my original motorcycle endorsement lapse more than 50 years ago when I was moving about the country serving in the world's finest military force, I took the MSF basic course at the local community college to refresh myself and get the discount on insurance more than 10 years ago at the age of 73. I was the oldest student in the class who finished with the highest written and on road skills test in the class. I then went to the local NC DMC license office, presented the MSF certificate and was issued the motorcycle endorsement with no questions asked nor any mention of what type of vehicle I was about to purchase.
Maine you need an endorsement, and the funniest part is if you have to do the whole thing written and road test like the two-wheel test, it gives you the ok to drive a two-wheeler, they haven't divided them yet into two categories yet!
I took the Can Am sponsored course in Arizona in the fall on 2020 at age 76 and Washington would not honor it when I got back to Washington for the summer. So I took that same but slightly different course in Washington and got the three wheel endorsement on my Washington license. I then changed my residency to Arizona and they transferred my license and endorsement to an Arizona drivers license.

The Can Am sponsored courses are good. I rode a brand new 2020 Spyder RT limited in Arizona course and my own 2018 Spyder RT L in the Washington course. Both were two day courses. Classroom the first day. Second day practising riding the Spyder for 2/3 to 3/4 of the day and then doing the 4 tests maneuovers. Course costs were $99 through Can Am. In both States, the course is the test and the State accepts it for the endorsement if you pass. I had last ridden a two wheeler in the 1980's when I had a 1978 Kawasaki KZ650 SR. One can never learn too much about riding and safety!
Alabama requires a class M license to drive a Motorcycle. They define as follows: "Motorcycle is defined as a motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, but excluding a tractor. "
I have lived in PA all my life and all my life any courses for 2 or 3 wheels have been at no extra expense to PA residents. All courses are paid for through our entire state's MC registration fees. So back in 1987, I took the MSF course for "free" and received my 2 wheel endorsement or "Class M". If you have that in PA, you do not need to obtain a 3 wheel endorsement. But if you do not have the Class M, then you need to obtain a 3 wheel endorsement here. That being said, I have taken three "3 wheel classes" in the past few years - two were the basic rider class (one through Motorcycle Safety Foundation and the other through Total Control) and also was able to take the Advanced Riding Clinic by Total Control at Pitt Race International. So that's more than you asked for, but I'm telling you because I think it's important to keep learning, no matter how many years of experience or how many miles one has ridden. You can always learn something new! And 2 wheels and 3 wheels are provided at the courses here in PA OR you can bring your own.

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Unfortunately, there is still some confusion with 'Auto cycles' like the Polaris Slingshot - less than 4 wheels, saddle, & handlebars vs bucket seat & a steering wheel. It's the operator's responsibility to know & follow each State's regulations, especially with helmet laws. Good luck!

In Oregon, an endorsement is required and there are two paths available.
- The normal two-wheel motorcycle endorsement allows you to ride two or three wheels.
- Alternately, you can take just the written (computer) motorcycle test at the DMV (no on-bike skills test required) and receive a motorcycle endorsement with a three wheel restriction (so no riding a two-wheeler).

Team Oregon is the motorcycle safety training organization in Oregon. They offer a very beneficial Basic Three Wheel course though it is not an endorsement course.
"The course provides four hours of range (on-bike) instruction. Practice riding starts with the basics and gradually adds more complex skills. By the end of the riding session, students will be able to corner, brake and swerve with confidence. "
In Washington state there are two permits/endorsements required for bikes.
- L for motorcycles
- J for 2 wheel & 3 wheel vehicles
Florida requires a motorcycle endorsement. The Can Am is considered a motorcycle in Florida for licensing purposes.

I don't know much about the course or the testing. I owned motorcycles when the licensing laws went into affect, so I was grandfathered in with a motorcycle endorsement and kept it current on all my license renewals since.
Florida has a 3 wheel only license. I took a class last year, if you pass the class you get a 3 wheel endorsement
Mississippi requires a separate endorsement. The MSF or the CanAm class will cover the riding test, but you have to take a written test administered by the Highway Patrol test centers.