• There were many reasons for the change of the site software, the biggest was security. The age of the old software also meant no server updates for certain programs. There are many benefits to the new software, one of the biggest is the mobile functionality. Ill fix up some stuff in the coming days, we'll also try to get some of the old addons back or the data imported back into the site like the garage. To create a thread or to reply with a post is basically the same as it was in the prior software. The default style of the site is light colored, but i temporarily added a darker colored style, to change you can find a link at the bottom of the site.

Random thought for the day

Profound, very profound. :bowdown: I will have to stop someplace and catch up. :roflblack: When riding, I limit my intake to one small one only though.
Yes, seems we lose a few every summer here from having a few too many, feeling bulletproof, and attempting to fly through a 30 mph curve at 70 or more. Save the celebratory beers for after the ride.
Profound, very profound. :bowdown: I will have to stop someplace and catch up. :roflblack: When riding, I limit my intake to one small one only though.

Yeah, same here.... :sour: It seems that as I'm getting older & gradually doing less & less 'physically demanding' stuff during my days, I just can't handle more than one small one daily! :rolleyes: It's almost at the stage that one small loaf of bread a day is more than enough!! :gaah:

:hun: What did you think I was talking about?!? :dontknow: Do you eat more than one loaf of bread a day?? :shocked:
“Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.” -Winston Churchill
Now I remember why we miss living in Rapid City. We miss the Deadwood sidewalk philosophy. Although not from Deadwood, here's another worthy quotation, "Remember, no matter where you go, there you are." Attributed to Pig Killer from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. My all time favorite, also attributed to Pig Killer is, "Plan? Plan! There ain't no plan!!"
“If you want to be happy for a day, drink.
If you want to be happy for a year, marry.
If you want to be happy for a lifetime, ride a motorcycle.”