• There were many reasons for the change of the site software, the biggest was security. The age of the old software also meant no server updates for certain programs. There are many benefits to the new software, one of the biggest is the mobile functionality. Ill fix up some stuff in the coming days, we'll also try to get some of the old addons back or the data imported back into the site like the garage. To create a thread or to reply with a post is basically the same as it was in the prior software. The default style of the site is light colored, but i temporarily added a darker colored style, to change you can find a link at the bottom of the site.

Anyone riding 2up on their Ryker? Need a decent seat & backrest, so - Ryker or Spyder RT?


New member
Shopping for a trike, bottom line is, wife needs decent seat and backrest, possible on the Ryker or should I pursue a Spyder RT? I'm good with either one, thanks, Mick
I love my Ryker Mick, but for two-up I'd recommend Spyder all the way unless both of you are on the extra-small side of petite. Lots of nice used bikes out there, be sure to check the Classifieds here on the forum. Good luck with the shopping and keep us posted.

Unless you two are a set of small people, and you want to do some big mods, go with the RT, or F3.
My ryker is set up for 2 people. I have the 2-up spring, comfort seats and the high passenger back rest. I'm 195 and wife is 120 and we have no issues.
The Spyders are definitely better for 2 people.
My prior Spyder was a 2020 F3L. The Mrs. had a little bit of difficulty getting onto it with a poor knee. Currently, on the 2023 RTL, she has an easier time getting on and she tells me the seat is much more comfortable for her. I added arm supports to both bikes and the Mrs. much preferred riding with them than with the grab bars which came standard on the Spyders. Keeping her comfortable will keep peace in the family! :)

Prior ryde - 2020 F3 Limited
Current ryde - 2023 RT Limited
Congrats on the bike, Slickster! I agree, my Ryker looks like a shrimp compared to my buddies Spyders. Hope February will allow you and your wife some nice days to ride.
