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What is involved with 'Validating the Low Pressure Switch' when doing a Brake Fluid Change? Does it need BUDS?


I have a procedural question concerning replacing old brake fluid with new by bleeding the brake lines on a 2019 F3L. I have experience bleeding brake lines. However, the last step in the maintenance manual states to “Validate the Low Pressure Switch”. Does this Validation step refer to using the BUDS software which I do not have?

2019 F3L
I believe there is a process that does NOT involve using BUDS to allow you to reset (or validate! ;)) the Brake Low Pressure Switch (please correct me if I'm wrong, tho.) IIRC, it's been posted up on the Forum quite a few times; it's a relatively simple process involving initially stepping gently on the brake pedal and listening for a 'click', then pressing harder and listening for a further 'click', so you either need to still be able to hear those clicks (I hafta have my hearing aids in & turned on! :rolleyes:) or have someone helping who can hear the clicks when listening for them. Regardless, a quick search on 'Low Pressure' brought up the thread below, which might help - especially post #3 from Snowbelt Spyder:

If that doesn't help enough, you could try searching further, maybe on 'Brake Low Pressure'; on Snowbelts posts; or even just by looking at the list of possible 'Similar threads' below the end of the last post in this thread. ;)

Good Luck! (y)
So, Poasttown. Hello fellow Ohioan. Yes, that LAST step is just a validation step that requires BUDS2 in order to read the actual value. It's not about reseting the code yet, that step just reads the value. What it is telling you, is that the brake fluid pressure is above the minimum threshold by the time that the low pressure switch is actuated. The Low Pressure Switch is actually a switch that measures brake pedal travel. The whole idea is that, by the time the brake pedal has travelled a certain distance, that the pressure should be above a certain value - around 500#. It's just a go no-go check, it's not reseting anything. But it IS telling the tech to go back and re-perform bleeding if pressure is too low.

Because you are not literally bleeding your brake system, just replacing/flushing out old fluid for new, pressure should not be an issue. Nothing has changed. So, you can ignore that section.

But, to be sure that you don't falsely trigger that C1282 code, be sure that you thoroughly pump up your system and seat those pads and pistons firmly where they belong before you turn on the key. Otherwise, you'll get that pesky code and have to try to reset it on your own, without BUDS2, with the depress the brake pedal method.
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